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Under review

Problem with national characters in DBLP

Ondra Lengál 8 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Christian Fritz 8 jaar geleden 1


I tried using BibBase with DBLP, the intellisense found my name at DBLP, but when trying to go to the link, I got a server error:ál?msg=embed

It looks the problem is in the 'á' character, or other national characters (didn't work for more people with national characters like 'á', 'í' in names).


bibbase.min.js not loaded through HTTPS

Madhur Behl 10 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Nikos Tsantalis 8 jaar geleden 12
I am unable to leverage the full functionality of BiBase for my website. I am using php to integrate BibBase on my publications page at
As you can see, the content is displayed but most of the features (like grouping, show bibtex) are not available. 

I believe the main reason is that the call to the bibase.min.js javascript is blocked.

[blocked] The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from '': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.

I think it is because of this blocking call that I get Uncaught ReferenceError(s)<> that toggleGroup, showBib and groupby are not defined.

The png files which Bibbase uses are also labeled as insecure content but are displayed. However, the js is blocked.

Can bibbase.min.js be provided over https ? or is there another fix available for this ?

I am experiencing this problem both with latest versions of Firefox and Chrome. 
Christian Fritz 8 jaar geleden


Thank you for your patience. We are glad to finally be able to announce HTTPS support!

You can start using it immediately by changing your bibbase URLs to https://.

Please use this thread to report any issues you may observe.

Thank you for using BibBase.


Custom CSS overwritten by default.css

David Harris 9 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Prof Chaos 3 jaar geleden 6
I would like to modify the the side theme and use my own custom css. I can load the bibbase into the page using javascript as follows:


However the output (viewable at does not appear as expected (the custom css just contains the common.css and side.css files). When I inspect elements in Chrome I find the following styesheets in this order:" type="text/css" media="screen">

"" type="text/css" media="screen">

"" type="text/css" media="screen">

Is there a way to not have the theme css files load or to load the custom css file after the side.css. I would like to add pdf and link icons in place of the text "link" and "paper"
Christian Fritz 9 jaar geleden
Hi David,

Good catch. The order in which the css links are added to the header were indeed wrong. The one specified with the css parameter should indeed go last. This is fixed now. If you are extending the side theme then just make sure you use that as a theme, so that in your custom css you don't need to overwrite (respecify) too many things. Please let me know if that doesn't work for some reason.

Fixed home page broken in Fire Fox

Oliver Beckstein 10 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Christian Fritz 8 jaar geleden 3
I tried to access with FireFox 32.0.3 (Mac OS X). I only get a blank page.

Using Chrome 38.0.2125.101 I see the home page.
Christian Fritz 8 jaar geleden

I still cannot reproduce this. I'll close this issue for now, but please let me know if you still have this problem.


Change "type" display names?

Christopher Rozell 9 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Christian Fritz 7 jaar geleden 9
Is there yet a way to change the display of the groupings for the "type"? This is one of the main things preventing me from using bibbase. My default is to display Journal and Conference Papers. The type grouping separates them properly, but it labels them with the bibtex language "article" and "inproceedings". Basically, I just need to change the words that are displayed in the headings. I saw the suggestion of doing this through a new keyword in the bibtex entry. In addition to being time consuming to add, in my tests of this, I can't control the sort order of these keywords. So, my keyword for Journal Papers gets sorted behind (and buried under) my keyword for Conference Papers.
Christian Fritz 9 jaar geleden
Yes, this can be accomplished using CSS. Just drop the following into the CSS file on your page:

.bibbase_group span {
display: none;
#group_article div i:after {
content: " Journal Articles"
} #group_inproceedings div i:after {
content: " Conference Publications"
Similarly you would need to set new titles for the other groups (incollection, book, etc.).


format bibbase so it's being indexed by google scholar

SerengetiT 11 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Christian Fritz 11 jaar geleden 3

Would be great if the formatting of the entries are compatible with the google bots so it gets indexed by google scholar.

Particularly also for the mendeley databases

Christian Fritz 11 jaar geleden

This is a great suggestion! Thanks for the pointer. It is indeed a goal of bibbase to do the SEO (search engine optimization) for its users. So features like this rank highly on my to-do list. I'll look into it.

Update (see comments): this is a non-issue. As for Mendeley papers, we have to respect Mendeley's robots.txt just as much as Google does.


zotero bibbase python error

nicolasmerz 9 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Christian Fritz 9 jaar geleden 2
if I click on the zotero link on the bibbase main page I get the following error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ubuntu/bibbase/cgi-bin/zotero/", line 169, in <module>
request_token, request_token_secret = zotauth.get_request_token(method='GET', params={'oauth_callback': ''})
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rauth/", line 212, in get_request_token
r = self.get_raw_request_token(method=method, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rauth/", line 186, in get_raw_request_token
return session.request(method, self.request_token_url, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rauth/", line 201, in request
return super(OAuth1Session, self).request(method, url, **req_kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/", line 335, in request
resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/", line 438, in send
r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/", line 331, in send
raise SSLError(e)
Christian Fritz 9 jaar geleden
Thanks again for reporting. This issue is fixed now.


BibBase is really slow today

Chris Cole 9 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Christian Fritz 9 jaar geleden 3

I've been testing a new website over the last couple of weeks and BibBase seemed to be the best option, but today - when it went live, of course - I'm finding it's really slow to load (~20 seconds).

This is not acceptable as most visitors won't wait that long.

Is this a problem of capacity or something?
Christian Fritz 9 jaar geleden
Thanks for pointing this out, Chris. I believe I was able to fix it.

If this is the page in question, then I think it is much faster again:

If that's no the one and it is still slow, please point me to your page for testing.



Author initials in reverse order

Ashton Bradley 9 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Christian Fritz 8 jaar geleden 3
Embedding using the iframe approach, the bibtex author field is parsed incorrectly so that for example

author={Bradley, A S}


Bradley; S A

Accents parsing

Eliseo Ferrante 10 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Tony 4 jaar geleden 9
Hi and thank you for your amazing work. I have a problem, but I'm not understanding whether I'm doing something wrong myself or not.

None of the accents in my bib are visualizing correctly with bibbase.

Example: Decugni\`ere -> DecugniÌ€ere instead of Decugnière

I also notice weird characters also where I do not use special commands. What can I be doing wrong? Latex generates perfect documents using that bibtex file.

Thanks for the help!
