Hi, I'm having difficulty getting the filter option to work.
I've got this syntax for date but can't seem to make it work. I actually want to filter by a constant field with a code correlated to our local classification of collections. http://bibbase.org/show?bib=http%3A%2F%2Fbibbase.org%2Fzotero%2FJANRIV&jsonp=1&nocache=1&filter:date=2014 This syntax gives output sorted by date but including all years.

The syntax is different (filter=field:value, rather than filter:field=value) and the field "date" does not exist. You probably meant year, right?
Try this:

Thanks. I wasn't paying attention! That did work when I got the syntax right but I'm still having problems withsimilar searches. I want to put a value in the field "extra" to filter records related to different collections which is the value I want to add to the extra field but in testing I can't get that to work nor other searches. So I've used this syntax when I know there are records containing the word primary in the field extra but am not getting a result returned. http://bibbase.org/show?bib=http%3A%2F%2Fbibbase.org%2Fzotero%2FJANRIV&jsonp=1&nocache=1&filter=extra:primary. I've experimented with other fields &filter=ISSN:0032-4000 for example also without success. Would be really grateful for your help.

I downloaded the bibtex file that Zotero generates for your publications (from the dropdown menu on the bibbase page), but there are no entries with a field called "extra". How/where are you adding these fields? Given the level of customization you are seeking, it might be better for you to generate your bibbase page from a bibtex file rather from Zotero, if that's an option for you.
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The syntax is different (filter=field:value, rather than filter:field=value) and the field "date" does not exist. You probably meant year, right?
Try this: