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Generated by BibBase from Mendeley Misalligned

Jesse 6 years ago updated by Christian Fritz 6 years ago 4

Trying out BibBase for the first time and liking it a lot!
However, importing from Mendeley formatting is not quite right. Is there anyway to have all of this on the same line?


Image 73


How do I include a link to software/code (e.g. the Github repository) with each publication?

DAS 6 years ago updated by Christian Fritz 6 years ago 1

Is there a way for me to add a link to the software associated with each publication? E.g., the Github page?


entries aren't consistently sorting by date descending

Cris 6 years ago updated by Christian Fritz 6 years ago 1

It's curious, even though I've double-checked the date field in the entries, the order seems to be random. Sometimes within a year, entires will sort by date descending the final entry is out of order. For ex., November, September, June, October. 

Other times, it looks like entries are sorting in date ascending. Here's a live example:

Any troubleshooting ideas? I use zotero for the collection and embedded into html page via javascript.





r landa 6 years ago updated by Christian Fritz 6 years ago 1

I have made some search, but I cannot find who supports the system and services you provide. I mean basically, whether BibBase belongs to a bigger company, and in case not, who sponsors the hosting. Thanks.


OAuth Error: redirect_uri_mismatch

seb12 6 years ago updated by Christian Fritz 6 years ago 1


Again thanks fro BiBbase, it is very usefull ! 

It seems there is something broken with the Sign in with Google

as soon as I click on the link, a window appears with the following error


400. That’s an error.

Error: redirect_uri_mismatch

The redirect URI in the request,, does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client. To update the authorized redirect URIs, visit:

Learn more

Request Details
That’s all we know.


I hope it's easy to fix !



Cross-Origin Request Blocked: Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing

Rodrigo 6 years ago updated by Christian Fritz 6 years ago 2

The url_Paper and url tags do not work on my website.  When I click on them, I see the following error on the developer console of firefox: 

"Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing)."

Please check my sample webpage


Christian Fritz 6 years ago

This is fixed now. It may take up to a day for everyone's browser cache to invalidate, but at that point, everything should work again. Of course, for those who know a hard-refresh of the page also works.

Thanks again for reporting!


limit of 100 items in bibbase reference lists from zotero

tj 6 years ago updated by FID 3 years ago 3

Hi, I am encountering a limit of 100 items in a bibbase reference list created through a zotero link. I see in a blog from Christian from some time ago (2013) that this is apparently a maximum (he says awkward).

Is there a way to work with more items in a single list or is this a hard limit.

Best regards, Tómas

Christian Fritz 6 years ago

I believe this happens only when using group pages. If you create a user for whom the "My Library" list is used, then that list should not be limited to 100 anymore. I believe that is how other users have avoided this limit.


Problem with Accents

yann-gael 6 years ago 0

I believe that my problem has not been addressed by previous fixes related to accents. This link: generates a Web page in which, no matter the encoding (UTF8 or Western in Firefox), accents are not rendered correctly. What am I missing?




Mendeley Folders

danis 6 years ago updated by cfisher 3 years ago 4

Hi all,

I've created a Bibbase bibliography using references in a shared Mendeley group (you can find the bibliography here: 

Within the Mendeley group, we have two folders: Primary Sources and Secondary Sources. The materials in these folders would, ideally, be listed on two different pages of our website.

Is there a way to tweak the Bibbase code so it only shows material from one folder within the Mendeley group, or do we need two separate groups?

Thanks in advance!

Christian Fritz 6 years ago

I think so, yes. You can filter by any field in the bibtex entry that is generated from the Mendeley data and Mendeley does seem to provide the folder id in that bibtex.

In this example URL I'm grouping by that id to see what's in which folder:

Filtering on just the first folder id gives me:


source code release with license for self-hosting?

Donny Winston 6 years ago updated by Paul Brandt 6 years ago 2

Hi, this is a great-looking service. However, I am concerned about it suddenly going away. Your terms of use ( rightly limit my expectations. I currently build my group's website using a static site generator, including a script for the publications page -- I take a BibTeX file and generate the needed HTML+CSS. I have all the source code, so I can keep doing that, but BibBase looks great and I'd love to use / contribute to an open-source project. Have you considered releasing the source under a license such as MIT or BSD? I realize that some of the "social" bits like number of downloads and commenting on papers would not work out of the box, but I'd be happy to enable those options or link to to help people who want to create a publications page themselves and would rather simply copy-paste your embed script tag.

Christian Fritz 6 years ago

Hi Donny,

No, sorry, we are not planning on open-sourcing the BibBase backend. However, in terms of uptime, I don't think there is much for you to worry about. BibBase has been in operation since 2005 and has been used since then by more users every year. They all rely on it being up and running 24/7 and so we take measures to prevent outages just like any other web site and as a result they are very rare. Naturally, we also have monitoring solutions in place that alert us of any problems as soon as they happen, so that we can fix them right away.

That said we are contemplating a paid tier with uptime guarantees, designated support, and other features. Would that be of interest to your group?