source code release with license for self-hosting?
Hi, this is a great-looking service. However, I am concerned about it suddenly going away. Your terms of use (http://bibbase.org/terms.html) rightly limit my expectations. I currently build my group's website using a static site generator, including a script for the publications page -- I take a BibTeX file and generate the needed HTML+CSS. I have all the source code, so I can keep doing that, but BibBase looks great and I'd love to use / contribute to an open-source project. Have you considered releasing the source under a license such as MIT or BSD? I realize that some of the "social" bits like number of downloads and commenting on papers would not work out of the box, but I'd be happy to enable those options or link to bibbase.org to help people who want to create a publications page themselves and would rather simply copy-paste your embed script tag.

Hi Donny,
No, sorry, we are not planning on open-sourcing the BibBase backend. However, in terms of uptime, I don't think there is much for you to worry about. BibBase has been in operation since 2005 and has been used since then by more users every year. They all rely on it being up and running 24/7 and so we take measures to prevent outages just like any other web site and as a result they are very rare. Naturally, we also have monitoring solutions in place that alert us of any problems as soon as they happen, so that we can fix them right away.
That said we are contemplating a paid tier with uptime guarantees, designated support, and other features. Would that be of interest to your group?

Authors from same family get merged.
see This link. For this dummy file, I have a John Doe and a Josh Doe. When sorting entries by authors, they get merged under Doe, J. Is there any way to change this behavior? Thanks.

Do not automatically upload full-text of papers from Mendeley
When first using BibBase with Mendeley, I noticed that the full-text of my articles were made available. However, most of these articles are journal-formatted papers, subject to copyright. After searching these options, I could not figure out a way to deactivate this feature, which forces me to manually use the "BibTex" import instead of having it automatic from Mendeley. Would-it be possible to give the user the option to deactivate the automatic import of the full-text when using BibBase+Mendeley ?

Highlighting (e.g. boldfacing) own name.
Firstly, great tool.
Secondly, something I have previously done when manually maintaining an HTML list of publications was to bold my own name the list of authors. In genomics author lists can be pretty long and it's nice to be able to see at a glance where I'm listed! I'm sure this is true for those particle physicists at CERN etc. as well... Right now I'm hacking this by putting <b> tags around my last name in the bibtex: http://cs.stanford.edu/people/davidknowles/
Is there a more elegant solution?
Thirdly, +1 to more flexible citation styles.
Thanks for your hard work on this!

1. Thanks!
2. Yes, you can accomplish that with CSS. You just need to find a good CSS selector for yourself in the HTML, which is pretty easy, because bibbase turns your name into a link to the page itself. If you add this CSS to your page style it will work:
a.bibbase.author.link[href="http://cs.stanford.edu/people/davidknowles/"] { font-weight: bold; }
3. What kind of citation style would you like to see?
Thanks for using BibBase!

Bibbase down?
Bibbase.org seems to be down right now, and the list of publications on my website is not displayed. It this a temporary issue?

css variables
Will it be possible to have a list of all variables that can be changed using css, to change the format of the publication list ?
thank you

CSS is actually self-documenting. Just open the source of the page you are editing, look for the elements you want to modify, and find a unique selector for them (e.g., using their class and/or tag name). This is actually not a BibBase specific question, so you should be able to find more help on that on the web.

Script to put a custom CSS style

If you are embedding your bibbase page into your own page, then you just need to add your css to your own page just like any other css, i.e., add
<link href="/bibbase.css" rel="stylesheet">
to the head in your html file.

Fold/unfold customization
I'm using BibBase to display our group's publications list by year. Rather than folding/unfolding all years at once, I was wondering if the default view can be set to have the most recent year unfolded, while leaving the others folded for the user to open themselves? Let me know if this is doable. Thanks!

This is not directly supported, but if you know a little bit of javascript you can use that to accomplish it. Just make the default folded and then run toggleGroup('group_2017') some time after page load. Timing this right might be tricky though.

CSS seems to have no effect
I am new to CSS coding so this may be a stupid question but I am trying to follow your suggestions on the support forum to change the "type" headings. However, the CSS I wrote seems to have no effect:
Could you please let me know why?
THank you!

A CSS really only makes sense when you embed your BibBase listing in your own page. I see that you are embedding it in https://scc.okstate.edu/publications. You need to add the CSS file directly to the head of the HTML of that page, like you are doing with the other CSS files that are already referenced there.

BibBase not updating citations from Zotero on my website
I am not sure why the BibBase entries on my website are not updating, reflexing updates (i.e. new citations) in my Zotero database.
For example, these do not match:
Zotero Group: https://www.zotero.org/groups/arcticcirc/items/collectionKey/H8RHDR58
Webpage with embedded html/javascript: https://www.arcticcirc.net/david-seekell
<script src="https://bibbase.org/show?bib=https%3A%2F%2Fbibbase.org%2Fzotero%2Fcirc-publications&jsonp=1&filter=authors:Seekell[^a-z]"></script>
Any suggestions?
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