Fold/unfold customization
I'm using BibBase to display our group's publications list by year. Rather than folding/unfolding all years at once, I was wondering if the default view can be set to have the most recent year unfolded, while leaving the others folded for the user to open themselves? Let me know if this is doable. Thanks!

This is not directly supported, but if you know a little bit of javascript you can use that to accomplish it. Just make the default folded and then run toggleGroup('group_2017') some time after page load. Timing this right might be tricky though.
Customer support service by UserEcho
This is not directly supported, but if you know a little bit of javascript you can use that to accomplish it. Just make the default folded and then run toggleGroup('group_2017') some time after page load. Timing this right might be tricky though.