Export to Endnote
Is it possible to export citations to Endnote (.Ris or .enw file)? This would be very helpful.
Support for links to arXiv preprints
eprint = {1503.06191}
Would I would love to see is a feature wherein if there is a populated eprint field like the one above, it generates a hyperlink below the main entry, similar to the one generated by a populated doi field, i.e.
doi arXiv bibtex
with the 'arXiv' text hyperlinked to http://arxiv.org/abs/1503.06191 based on the 'eprint' field in the example above.
... url_arXiv = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1503.06191}, ...This will appear just the way you wanted, with "arXiv" as the link text.
I know this is not quite the same as literally using the eprint field already in arXiv bibtex files, but it's only a very minor modification.
We implemented a special case for DOI because it is being used by dblp and we want that to be automatic (you can use dblp records for bibbase withough having to extract/update a bibtex file first). I don't think arXiv has an API for that yet. If or when they do, I'd be happy to interpret their bibtex entries fully as well.
wrong buy links
for some examples.
Using Google Drive with BibBase
(This is not a request, but a possible solution.)
Keeping the BibTeX file (say list.bib) on Google Drive (GD) or similar services (like Dropbox, etc.) may be useful since you can update your bibliography without bothering to upload the updated version online.
Unfortunately, GD (and Dropbox) do not provide the "direct" link to list.bib needed by BibBase to produce the final bibliography. Here is a workaround for GD:
1. Create a public folder in GD and put in it your list.bib; both the file and the folder must be shared publicly with everyone (after all, this is the aim of putting your bibliography online, I assume)
2. Obtain a direct link to list.bib from a free service online. For me, the following one worked:
You just need to obtain from GD the sharing link as usual (right click on list.bib, Share...) and to paste it in the site above, which then produces a new, direct link to copy.
3. Paste the direct link in the BibBase page to generate the bibliography.
A working example is on my page: http://www.webalice.it/g.cevolani/
A cleaner solution for step 2 above (that in any case you need to do only once) would be better.
I hope this may be useful to others,
Bibbase on free hosting
Pdf are not available (mendeley)
I use bibBase with my Mendeley profile (http://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/members/dray/publications.php). Since few days, it seems that pdf are no more available (e.g., http://www.mendeley.com/download/public/2845861/5... When I sign in on Mendeley website, pdf become available on my bibbase page.
Is it related to a new policy on Mendeley website ? Can it be solved (I did not fin a way to manage preferences for access to pdf on Mendeley website) ?
Thanks for pointing this out. I'll investigate this further, but yes, on first sight it seems that they have changed the permissions where logged in users can only download pdfs in their library. But I can't say for sure. Elsevier has been getting more aggressive about sueing copyright violators recently. Maybe this has something to do with that (Elsevier bought Mendeley not too long ago).
If you are at all interested in alternatives to Mendeley, I recommend Zotero. It's API is a lot nicer and more reliable and the integration with BibBase works like a charm.
-- Christian
Multiple entries with same title and same year are displayed as duplicates
thanks for this great service. There seems to be a small bug. When you have two entries with the same title and the same year, both entries are shown with identical data.
author = {John McBug},
institution = {ACME},
title = {DemoPaper: A Title about nothing},
year = {2012},
author = {John McBug},
journal = {Another Journal},
title = {DemoPaper: A Title about nothing},
YEAR = {2012},
This will show the entry "DemoPaper: A Title about nothing. McBug, J. Another Journal, . 2012." twice, instead of showing the data of the techreport in the first entry. We are using bibbase at our university chair where it is sometimes the case that a paper is submitted as technical report and then later submitted as an article with the same name.
A quick workaround for this is to make the titles different, for example by replacing one space in the title by a nbsp;
Aggregation of Multiple Bibtex Files
It would be nice to have support for multiple bibtex files (e.g., bib=<something>&bib1=<something_else>&bib2=..) . Imagine each individual in a research group uses bibbase to maintain
their publications. Then, building a publications page for the whole
group would be trivial with this feature.
Hi Pascal,
Thanks for following up on this! By now we actually support this. It's actually one of the most popular features of our group plans. In those plans, all users in your organization have their own data sources that they can maintain in whichever way they like -- bibtex file directly on BibBase, a URL to a bibtex file hosted elsewhere, Zotero, Mendeley, DBLP. All those sources are merged, with deduplication, at query time when a query for the organization's publications are made.
Minor issues with the rendering of bibliographical entries
I've just updated my small site using BibBase, and it's really wonderful.
I just point out some minor bugs with the output here:
1. A comma (,) should be used to separate multiple authors' and editors' names instead of the semi-colon (;); at least this seems to be a nearly universal convention.
2. A part for accented letters, which are handled correctly, other LaTeX commands which may appear in titles or journal names (like "\&" or "\emph" or even "--" in page ranges) are not interpreted (see, e.g., 3rd entry in 2011).
3. If the pages field is missing from the bib entry (for instance because the article is forthoming), a incorrect space is produced in the final entry (see 2nd entry in the site)
4. In some entries, but not in others, the page numbers are preceded by the text "page", which should be "pages" or better nothing, as in other entries (see 1st entry).
5. After the colon before the page range, a space would improve readibility.
Hope this helps.
Hi Gustavo,
I believe all of these issues have been addressed now, except for the first item, which might be a matter of preference -- I think some bibtex styles do use semicolons.
BibBase on Google Sites
Hi all,
I hope this is not trivial or already answered.
I'm trying to use BibBase on a personal Google Site, embedding the script linking to the publication file on Google Drive in the same folder of the site:
<script src="https://bibbase.org/show?bib=https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jPCxO7IN4JiukP3n9bG-zP6aftcc-yP2/&jsonp=1&theme=mila"></script>
I can't find a way to pass to BibBase a working URL for my publication list file. The best I obtain is the following:
Same if I use a link to the publication file on Dropbox.
Many thanks in advance for any help in fixing this.
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