"Excellent! Next, you can embed this page using one of several options."
When I embed my Zotero pubs using BibBase into our website (www.arcticcirc.net) using both the java and iframes methods a pretty green box appears above the citations that says "Excellent! Next, you can embed this page using one of several options."
How can this be suppressed? I have already embedded by page, so the message is a bit strange.
There is a suffix on the URL "&msg=embed". Just remove that and the message will no longer show. It should have been removed already when using any of snippets in that message.
Filtering Zotero group library by author (and other options)
I have a Zotero group for my research centre. I would like to subset the output from BibBase by researcher on their homepages.
Here is my BibBase URL:
I have tried adding &filter=author:Karlsson
The result is no filter at all. I have also tried filter=year:2017, again with no luck!
What am I doing wrong?
PS: I just discovered BibBase and I am very thankful for your excellent effort!
There were two problem: the field name to filter authors on is `authors` (not author), but also, it can be very tricky to use the right syntax when using zotero, because some of the arguments need to be encoded, so that BibBase doesn't interpreted them but passes them on to Zotero (e.g., format). But others, the ones for BibBase, must not be. In your case you were using an encoded representation of the ampersand, which meant it was forwarded to Zotero, but it needs to be interpreted by BibBase.
This link works:
Similarly, to filter by year you would use, e.g.:
Feature Request: Search local collection (single Bibtex file)
Is there a way to search only local results? For instance, if I have a single bibtext file (or zotero collection) that I have embedded on my website, I would like to be able to search across these results. For very large collections (100-1000) having browse-only functions (by year, by type, etc) is not sufficient.
Incorrect article count
Any idea why the count that appears the "type" heading is wrong but the one that appears after the "year" subheading is correct?
Caching problem `nocache`
I have a cashing problem of some sort. If I use the following bib file then it renders like described in this (http://bibbase.userecho.com/topics/148-parser-issue-if-the-key-contain-ampersand/) previous issue:
undefined (9)
but if I add either `&nocache=1` or `&nocache=0` then it renders correctly. Any idea why this is happening. I assume that `&nocache=1` should be avoided since you probably try to reduce processing by caching the data.
Bug with name link formatting
The link on my name in each of the references appears as a large grey block (and in the filtering menu too).
Is there any way to format this so my name doesn't awkwardly stand out?
Thanks, and also jsut to say this is great resource!
That sounds like a CSS issue. BibBase doesn't usually do that.
The link you provided gives me a "Page not found", but I found http://pedrovale.bio.ed.ac.uk/publications-0
On that page, it seems that this CSS in main.css is causing the awkward formatting:
.author {border-bottom: 1px solid #E1E1E1;padding: 20px;margin-bottom: 30px;clear: both;background: #f0f0f0;}
One way to fix that is to make your CSS rule more specific. The following seems to work:
:not(.bibbase).author {border-bottom: 1px solid #E1E1E1;padding: 20px;margin-bottom: 30px;clear: both;background: #f0f0f0;}
Author links changing on different pages
In a similar vein to this topic, I'm having issues with the page that links an author's name to their directory.
The website at the moment has one large bib file here from which it produces the main publications. Each directory entry then has its own filtered list based on 'short-author', e.g. this.
Finally there are also project specific papers, filtered based on a dummy bib field 'project', e.g. this.
This all works perfectly, so several thumbs up for the filtering function!
Now, R.M. Ward is in all those links. Ideally BibBase should see that the longest list with her as an author on each publication is her directory. This works fine until you refresh the page on the project page, at which point her author link becomes that project page, not her directory entry. This link change then permeates across the website until you navigate to e.g. her directory entry and then refresh on that page, at which point the link changes back to her directory entry.
The same problem occurs when I am linked both in my directory and in a project page. Here, I have only one publication so I can see why it would get confused. But, I had previously linked my BibBase account to my directory entry, so thought it would be better anchored. Instead, the 'Homepage' link just changes with whichever is the prevailing location for the directory.
Note: you have to refresh the page once you've navigated to it in order for the link location to change.
The author links are a very good idea, and really helps bring together who is working on which projects etc. etc. but the automatic allocation of the author directory seems a little too volatile at the moment!
Embedded page not showing anymore?
Hi all,
I am not sure I'm missing something obvious, but I think I have a problem with my embedded page. If I try opening using the full address:
all seems to work OK. But when I point to the address to which I'm redirecting
nothing happens --- the page is just blank. It did work until a few days ago. I don't think there's a mistake in one of the new entries in the bib file --- but I may be mistaken?
Any idea of what might be going on?
In case anyone else has been seeing this problem: this should be resolved now, i.e., PHP embedding should work again as before.
Hi, I'm having difficulty getting the filter option to work.
I've got this syntax for date but can't seem to make it work. I actually want to filter by a constant field with a code correlated to our local classification of collections. http://bibbase.org/show?bib=http%3A%2F%2Fbibbase.org%2Fzotero%2FJANRIV&jsonp=1&nocache=1&filter:date=2014 This syntax gives output sorted by date but including all years.
The syntax is different (filter=field:value, rather than filter:field=value) and the field "date" does not exist. You probably meant year, right?
Try this:
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