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It's back up.

Hi Franck,

I'm surprised to see that, too. This used to work. It might be related to Zotero's ongoing transition to Zotero 5.0 (as they note here https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/web_api/v3/types_and_fields).

I will see whether this can be re-enabled using this feature of their API https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/web_api/v3/fulltext_content.

Yes, you can use &group0=author_short. This works independently of the method you chose for embedding.

We really discourage the use of iframes though. Search engines will direct users that search for you paper titles directly to your embedded page (not your homepage), and it is also difficult to get the layout right, without having a scrollbar inside the iframe. JS is currently the best option, and those formatting issues come with an upside, too: once they are fixed, the whole page will be styled with the same CSS rules, and have, e.g., consistent colors and fonts.

As pointed out in https://bibbase.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/256-external-links-broken#comment-677, this is probably the same issue as found in that other ticket. Since that is fixed now, I'll assume this one is too. Please re-open if not. Thanks!

Stefan: Thanks again for reporting and debugging this issue. That was a big help! It is fixed now.

Thanks for investigating this further and reopening the issue! I agree. This is a bug that needs to be addressed. We'll try to fix it as soon as possible.

Thanks for noting and reporting this. That SVG turned out to be using SVG standard 2.0, but Firefox only supports SVG 1.1. We've replaced the file with a version 1.1 one.