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bibase customization

Christopher Rozell 10 ár síðan updated by Bibliothèque du CHUM 6 ár síðan 8

I am trying to customize bibbase to get the display I want and have a few questions that I can't find addressed in the current documentation or Q&A.

1) Is there any way to change the ordering of the publication type groups? For example, if I want "inproceedings" to display before "articles" when the publications are grouped by type, is there any way for me to set that?

2) Is there any way to remove some options from the "group by" menu? For example, can I remove the option to group by downloads?

3) One of my biggest concerns with moving to bibbase is what I've read about having to load a page twice to get updates. If a researcher has visited my page in the past and comes back a few days later after I have updated, they won't know (and shouldn't be bothered) to load the page twice to see updates. Is there any way to ensure that all visitors to my page are seeing the current copy of my .bib file even if they have visited before?

Thank you-


Christian Fritz 8 ár síðan

Indeed, the code has changed. The correct CSS rule is now:

  #bibbase_header a[onclick="groupby('downloads')"] { display: none; }

Thanks for reporting!


BibBase v3 Released

Christian Fritz 12 ár síðan Uppfært 9 ár síðan 1

Over the last few weeks I have implemented a new version of BibBase. I will soon write up all the benefits of the new version, but for now this is just a note that this is what has changed. You will notice a slightly cleaner default look, and hopefully everything else just works as before. If not, please let me know.