Under review
Having trouble with accented characters.
I am having a similar problem to some posted, but I can't make the answers work for me. See https://academic.mu.edu/peressini/afp_pubs.php.
Two entries under 2019 pubs come up without accents: "Otavio" and
"Scholler". I've done everything as suggested (best as I can tell). I
suspect it is in my bib file? Thanks for any help.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Can you try Schöller instead of Sch{\"o}ller and Otávio instead of Ot{\'a}vio in you bibtex file? Using Unicode characters directly is usually safest.
I double checked, but that is in fact how it is in the bib file. (I think you can see this by expanding the 'bibtex' option on the web page. Could it be the CSS file? What should that look like?
No, the bibtex file that your page uses is http://academic.mu.edu/peressini/MyPubsBibTex.bib and that one doesn't seem to be using Unicode characters, but latex escape sequences:
Thank so much Christian, for your help and patience. It turns out I was looking at the bib file in BibDesk (Mac) and it was hiding the LaTeX escape codes - so that is taken care of - thanks again. I have a couple of further questions - if I may ask them here.
I took a closer look at this and I'm a little puzzled. The latex escape sequences should have worked fine. For example, you can look at this publications and its corresponding bibtex: https://bibbase.org/network/publication/krstev-stankovi-obradovi-vitas-utvi-automaticconstructionofamorphologicaldictionaryofmultiwordunits-2010. There the escape sequences are translated fine.
BibBase handles a lot of latex but not everything. For instance, in your example of https://bibbase.org/network/publication/peressini-otviobuenoandstevenfrenchiapplyingmathematicsimmersioninferenceinterpretationi-2019, the textit is correctly handled. This morning I debugged the emdash and found a bug regarding it's parsing, which is fixed in development now and will be released soon. As for the single quotes, `...', those are not translated. But from what I recall you don't need to use them in latex anymore either. Modern versions of latex will handle ".." just fine.
For the ORBDE entry: the \url command is not translated by BibBase (at least yet -- seems like a good feature to add). But what you can do for now is to use url fields in your bibtex, e.g.:
All underscores will be replaced by spaces.