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Prof Chaos 40 minutes ago 0

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Prof Chaos yesterday at 6:58 a.m. updated yesterday at 7:17 a.m. 0

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Prof Chaos yesterday at 6:56 a.m. updated yesterday at 7 a.m. 1

Popular topics 265


Feature request: allow different citation styles

Christian Fritz 11 years ago updated 5 months ago 12

Feature Request: (Unable to) Embed BibBase into wordpress.COM site

CYVI GROUP 9 years ago updated by Christian Fritz 4 years ago 1
Under review

ORCiD Integration

Nico 6 years ago updated by Vladimir Alexiev 3 years ago 8

Currently in progress 2


Feature request: allow different citation styles

Christian Fritz 11 years ago updated 5 months ago 12

Feature request: Tags cloud and research bar

jdam 4 years ago updated by Christian Fritz 2 years ago 3