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Yes, this is a short-coming of Mendeley -- which we really don't recommend. They don't have a type for Master's Thesis and PhD Thesis (like bibtex has). They only have the type "thesis". So there is no safe way to map it either Master's or PhD thesis. I recommend changing the type of this library item in your Mendeley library to "generic" and adding "Master's Thesis" to one of the other fields until the result looks as you want it. Better yet, if that's an option for you, I'd recommend switching to a self-hosted bibtex file (or hosted on github pages).

There is nothing we can do from the BibBase side on this. This is a restriction from Wordpress. Same web hosts, incl. also Google Sites, just don't allow embedding script tags. The only embedding option with those is usually iframes (if those are allowed), but that's not a good option.

We always recommend hosting your own page yourself (if necessary via Github pages, you can just fork our example), using a bibtex file as source (although Zotero is a decent option, too), and embed using the script tag. This combination give you the most control.

Such mapping is not supported, because we cannot assume that others who use numbers instead of text would want it to be translated. So why not just change the bibtex to use the abbreviated month names?

I think that that might just not work for groups yet, see The best workaround for now is to use a shared account and use the "My Library" collection from that account instead of a group. Would that work in your case?

I see lots of conference papers:

What is missing?

I can't debug this if I cannot see what you see. The connector gives you a URL and I assume that URL is where you saw something missing. Can you share that URL?

Can you provide a link to your page where you use BibBase?

Sorry, no that is not currently possible. We *strongly* recommend against using iframes. The external script method should work everywhere because that is how almost all web pages work these days: they pull in scripts from other places, not just the local server where the HTML is hosted.

The verified publications could be interesting! Is there an example profile of a researcher that shows those? I'd like to get a sense of how broadly it is used and how many records they have.

However I'm still not quite clear what you are proposing in terms of integration. Since BibBase users use BibBase to show their own publication list on their own homepage, it is relatively unlikely that anyone would post publications that are not indeed correct (unverified and false). So I don't see too much being gained by verifying them again with ORCiD. But again, maybe you had a different integration in mind?

No, we have not. What would be the benefit? From what I can tell from poking around the web site, they currently mostly provide just a page that identifies a researcher. But it doesn't even link to anything else, so what would be gained by connecting authors on bibbase to their orcid pages? -- If that wasn't the integration you had in mind, then please let us know what you were thinking. Thanks.