Uw opmerkingen

It was a caching issue. I loaded the URL once with &nocache=1 to force-update the cache, and not it's showing. How recently did you add these additional publications to your Zotero?

By the way, I recommend against using iframes for embedding.

Probably just a caching issue. Can you send me a link to your page?

Can you send me the link to your page? You probably just have some sort of library conflict.

The counting doesn't distinguish between users. It just counts clicks per publication, where publications are identified using their bibbase-id constructed from author names, title, and year (the last part of the url when you click the "link" link). So no, it doesn't reset ever.

We just count the number of times users have clicked one of the links listed in the publication's url fields, which are rendered as little icons in the default style, e.g., for PDF.

Thanks for reporting this. It has been fixed now.

Thanks for sharing! We've looked these over and found that they do not apply to us, because the conditions described in these vulnerabilities are not met in our case (we do not compile templates from untrusted sources). So there doesn't seem to exist any urgency fixing these. It certainly doesn't hurt to upgrade these libraries and we will do so eventually.

Hi Hakase,

Sorry for the delayed response. Can you share more about the severity of the found vulnerability? Since BibBase is not showing anything sensitive or confidential -- quite the opposite actually -- I don't quite understand the possible damage a malicious actor could do based on these vulnerabilities. Did your IT support share more details?

