
BibBase on Google Sites

Gustavo Cevolani 2 months ago updated by Christian Fritz 2 months ago 3

Hi all,

I hope this is not trivial or already answered.

I'm trying to use BibBase on a personal Google Site, embedding the script linking to the publication file on Google Drive in the same folder of the site:

<script src="https://bibbase.org/show?bib=https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jPCxO7IN4JiukP3n9bG-zP6aftcc-yP2/&jsonp=1&theme=mila"></script>

I can't find a way to pass to BibBase a working URL for my publication list file. The best I obtain is the following:


Same if I use a link to the publication file on Dropbox.

Many thanks in advance for any help in fixing this.


Under review

This question is more about Google Drive than BibBase. What you are looking for is a URL that will give you only the file content, no Google Drive "decorations" around it. I'm not sure Google Drive offers such a URL, but I believe at least in the past Dropbox did. My personal recommendation for hosting the bibtex file is actually GitHub. It does provide a "raw" link, is easy to edit from various places, and gives you the additional benefit of version control.


Thank you so much for the instantaneous feedback! Dropbox doesn't seem to work anymore. I'll try GitHub or post a solution with Drive if found.