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Hi Scott,

Glad you like it! Saving scientists some time like this is in fact one of our objectives.

Regarding your issue: It seems that jquery doesn't work on your page even though it is loaded. The $ global seems to be overwritten after jquery loads. This must be due to some of the other libraries you use on your page. I don't know which but you'll need to find it and make sure it doesn't interfere with jquery. A good test is to check that on the developer console you can type $("body") and get something other than null.

Hi André,

That's an interesting problem. You seem to be the first to try that. Indeed we have not yet tested this case, as you can tell, nor did we envision it. I'll add this as a feature request. It shouldn't be hard for us to fix. Thanks for pointing it out.

Sorry, this feature is not perfect yet. You need to type string as all upper case ("STRING"), and the key of the string will be made lower case. Sorry, we know this isn't documented anywhere yet. The good news is that with those changes your example seems to work:

% strings de nomes usados em bancas

@STRING{Andre = {{Andr\'{e}} L. P. Guedes}}
@STRING{Murilo = {Murilo Vicente Gon\c{c}alves da Silva}}
@STRING{Vignatti = {{Andr\'{e}} Luis Vignatti}}

  author =       {Geoffrey Alberto Vitorio Martins},
  title =        {Manutenção de Caminhos Mínimos em Grafos Dinâmicos},
  school =       {PPGInf/UFPR},
  year =         {2012},
  month =        {agosto},
  day =          {30},
  type =         {Dissertação de mestrado},
  note =         "Orientador: " # andre # ". " #
                 "Banca: "#
                   murilo # " e " #
  keywords =     {OrMScC},
  url =          {},
  pdf =          {}


Manutenção de Caminhos Mínimos em Grafos Dinâmicos. Martins, G. A. V. Master's Thesis, PPGInf/UFPR, agosto 2012. Orientador: André L. P. Guedes. Banca: Murilo Vicente Gonçalves da Silvae André Luis Vignatti

Awesome! Good to know that works.

Mind if I make this question public so others who may run into the same issue can find it?

Hi Walter,

This usually means that mendeley has rejected the authentication token it once gave to bibbase in your name. You may need to re-authenticate bibbase with them. You can do that by clicking this link:

You may need to update your php code afterwards with the new mendeley id you will get (the one that is currently 6d353feb-efe4-367e-84a2-0815eb9ca878), or maybe mendeley will reuse the same one.

Please let me know if that doesn't work or doesn't change anything.

Sorry about the hassle.

Hi Ashton,

I'll investigate. Could you send me a link to your bibbase page?
