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There is definitely something wrong with the data right now, however Canada for once looks right to me (see below). I did notice, however, that if you set granularity to country, the provinces still show up. So that's definitely a bug that needs fixing. Maybe that's what threw you off?

To the best of my knowledge still makes this difficult. However, we have just added hosted pages as a feature to BibBase, so you now have the option of hosting your web page directly on instead of Wordpress, and of course it is super-easy to show your publications on our hosted pages. They are specifically designed for that. Given this solution, we don't think it is necessary for us to try and around Wordpress's limitations.


I think I was able to reproduce your setup and implement support for the feature you requested. Tags are now translated into keywords, which are interpreted as comma separated lists and so a publication with multiple tags will show in multiple groups (one for each of its tags/keywords). Note however that the Mendeley API separates tags using commas as well, so if you use a tag that itself contains a comma, that tag will be broken down into separate tags. So you may need to switch to some other way of naming your tags, or using semi-colons for enumerations within a tag (like "Distribution; Abundance; and Production").

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the suggestion, and I agree. These have been added now and they make the charts a lot easier to read (especially the per-day one).

The data source has been fixed upstream and those outliers are now gone. Unfortunately there are some negative per-day values now, which is disappointing, but at least in log-scale view those are hidden and hence don't disrupt the chart display as much as those 700k values you pointed out.

Thanks for the suggestion! This feature has been added.

This has finally been fixed. Thanks for your patience.

Hi Elizabeth,

Sorry for the delay in looking into this. I agree, this is not ideal and should be better supported. Should be easy to fix. Can you point me to your page so I can reproduce this?


OK, sounds good. I've change it to where it mentions the theme being used. I don't want to call out theme=default explicitly, because there are multiple themes that use text links, and it doesn't solely depend on the theme either. Many users define their own CSS rules to style the appearance instead of using a theme.

Well, there is an "or" there. The or, to me, implies that the first part of the sentence is not universally true, because there is a different case that can occur. That case is when using icon-links, in which case the remainder of the field name is used as icon tool-tip. At least that was the intended meaning of that sentence. Is that not how you read it?