
bibbase.org home page broken in Fire Fox

Oliver Beckstein 10 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Christian Fritz 9 jaar geleden 3
I tried to access http://bibbase.org with FireFox 32.0.3 (Mac OS X). I only get a blank page.

Using Chrome 38.0.2125.101 I see the home page.



I still cannot reproduce this. I'll close this issue for now, but please let me know if you still have this problem.

Under review
Hi Oliver,

Thanks for reporting this issue. I've tried to reproduce it but can't. I'm using the same version of firefox and I'm on osx as well (mavericks). Are you seeing any errors in the web console (Tools -> Web Developer -> Web Console)?

-- Christian

In CSS console I see a bunch of warnings (which I can post if they are of interest).
In the js console I see
SyntaxError: missing ] in index expression da93dbf95761a09e9cef1310a9f4b943c3dd4c16.js:29
ReferenceError: Package is not defined bibbase.org:46
The first error links to code that is too long to post here. The second error links to
  if(typeof Package['meteorhacks:fast-render'].__init_fast_render == 'function') {
I am running noscript but for testing I enabled all blocked sites on bibbase, namely facebook.net and google-analytics.com. My Mac OS is 10.6.8.

Let me know if you need me to look at anything else.

I still cannot reproduce this. I'll close this issue for now, but please let me know if you still have this problem.