
limit of 100 items in bibbase reference lists from zotero

tj 7 ár síðan updated by FID 3 ár síðan 3

Hi, I am encountering a limit of 100 items in a bibbase reference list created through a zotero link. I see in a blog from Christian from some time ago (2013) that this is apparently a maximum (he says awkward).

Is there a way to work with more items in a single list or is this a hard limit.

Best regards, Tómas



I believe this happens only when using group pages. If you create a user for whom the "My Library" list is used, then that list should not be limited to 100 anymore. I believe that is how other users have avoided this limit.


I believe this happens only when using group pages. If you create a user for whom the "My Library" list is used, then that list should not be limited to 100 anymore. I believe that is how other users have avoided this limit.


Hi Christian,

I'm having the same problem with my personal library as well. Is there any new way of dealing with this?

Same problem here: A limit of 100 items for "My Library" (and group library).