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Ok, thank you very much Christian! I'm sorry I didn't get this point from the documentation.

Hi Christian,

I'm afraid I have the same problem, e. g. BibBase pages not displaying all the items included in Zotero public group libraries. Here are 2 examples :

Bibliothèque d'écologie : https://bibbase.org/show?bib=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.zotero.org%2Fgroups%2F4622315%2Fitems%3Fkey%3DYNw5QFgOH2Br3soJeQXowbiG%26format%3Dbibtex%26limit%3D100&msg=embed#
Zotero group : https://www.zotero.org/groups/4622315/bibliothque_dcologie

Zfrancophone : https://bibbase.org/show?bib=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.zotero.org%2Fgroups%2F2233096%2Fitems%3Fkey%3DrCy7E0GkmFhOXB78i3c8F8Sm%26format%3Dbibtex%26limit%3D100&msg=embed#
Zotero group : https://www.zotero.org/groups/2233096/zfrancophone

I have read the full thread but I don't understand how to fix that.

Thank you very much for your help,

