Only small part of Zotero group library is displayed

And here is this library embedded with javascript on my homepage: http://odd-bird.do.am/
I would be very grateful if you could help me with this problem.

And here is this library embedded with javascript on my homepage: http://odd-bird.do.am/
I would be very grateful if you could help me with this problem.

Has there been any progress with this? We have a zotero library with some strange behavior.
This should at least show 5, yet it only shows 3. The zotero library has around 200+ items, yet we cannot get them to all display.

Hi Peter,
This seems to be a problem on Zotero's side. If you open the link to the bibtex directly (https://api.zotero.org/groups/32374/items?key=4DiDrqPNwu15c2WuBuqbvMMZ&format=bibtex) you will see that you will only get a list of 18 items (not 200 or more).

Hi Christian,
It seems that the Zotero bibtex export is limited to 100 entries. When greater than 100, a new url is required that forces the export from a certain starting point. I fear this is not going to work with bibbase. We may have to categorise the contents in our zotero library into seperate groups.

That is correct, and you are right that BibBase does not yet implement that pulling of subsequent pages correctly for groups, but it does work for a user's library. So if that's an option you can also create a new Zotero account that is shared. That's what others have done.

Hi Christian,
we have the same problem, these two pages have the same bibliography as source:
once in a group:
once in a separate account, displaying the whole user lib:
The one for the user lib is showing all items, the one in the group is limited to 100. Any idea why and if it is possible to fix it for groups too?
Sharing an account is a lot more inconvenient for an institute than just having a group that everyone can contribute through their own account.

Thanks for elaborating, Chris. We'll try to get to this in the next couple of weeks.

Chris, Everyone:
Thanks for your patience. This issue has now been fixed and the fix has been activated on bibbase.org, e.g.:
This uses the newly created route:
which returns a bibtex file that can be used with BibBase as usual.
The userID is required in order to look up the API credentials to use. I believe that by using that user's API access credentials, the Zotero API will thereby also grant you access to non-public groups. The ID of any user with access to the Zotero group and who has previously given BibBase an API key for their Zotero account, should do -- by using the Generate BibBase page from your Zotero "Library", collections, or groups link, found on our homepage.
Please let me know if this works for you as expected.

Hello! I'm using the new URL as instructed–https://bibbase.org/show?bib=http%3A%2F%2Fbibbase.org%2Fzotero-group%2Fodellcampbell/1132825&msg=embed#–and it seems like the source bibtex file isn't updating (when I make changes to keywords, for example, in the group library in Zotero, it doesn't update in the bibbase.org output).
The changes are reflected in the "old" link, from "generate BibBase page" (although of course this has the old problem of not returning the whole library).
Thank you!

One thing to note is that the update will take two page loads (with a pause in-between). The first one will trigger the refresh from Zotero. If that completes then the second page load will show the refreshed results. This is done for speed: Zotero is not super fast in responding and your page should not be delayed in loading.
If that doesn't explain and resolve your issue, then please point us at the Zotero page where the updates are happening, so we can debug.

Hi Christian, thank you for elaborating the issue! Unfortunately, I haven't noticed any differences yet: most part of the library is still invisible. Even more, now I don't see the green panel with embedding suggestion when I choose my zotero group for generating (here is the link: bibbase.org/show?bib=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.zotero.org%2Fgroups%2F326590%2Fitems%3Fkey%3DaeNBZCKSTCeK3MEV89bpsb9v%26format%3Dbibtex%26limit%3D100 ).

That is still the old URL. You need to use the new one (see my previous post). If you want the green panel, then you need to add &msg=embed to the URL.

I don't know what goes wrong... I createad a bibase key with default permissions, than typed https://bibbase.org/zotero-group/a_marko/birds_of_russia&msg=embed Than I recieved a message "Your Zotero collection could not be retrieved. Please try requesting a new Zotero key using the link on the BibBase homepage" and nothing else...

Yes, that error message seems to be saying the truth. Your Zotero API key doesn't seem to work, because https://bibbase.org/zotero/a_marko doesn't work either. Could re-grant BibBase access to your Zotero account by click "Generate BibBase page from your Zotero "Library", collections, or groups" on the homepage and accepting the defaults?

Well, that's strange because there is a key called bibase in my Feeds/API list in Zotero Settings. I've tried to revoke it and create again several times, without any effect. Can the problem be caused by underlyings in my nickname or group name?

Hi Christian,
Here is the Zotero collection I would like to display withe bibbase (if possible in an embedded frame) :
It contains 495 items.
When I try with "Generate BibBase page from your Zotero "Library", collection, grouves, it gives me the following code :
The display is wonderfull ! But unfortunatly only about 60 bibliographical references appears. I understand very well that this coudn't be a success at the first try. But have you got any idea of the reason ?
The result on my website (in construction) : https://ignostudies.hypotheses.org/ressources-et-medias/bibliographie-science-et-ignorance

Hi Julie,
I have the same problem (my Zotero bibliography is not fully displayed with Bibbase) and I just saw on your website that you managed to present your whole bibliography: did you find a solution in order to solve the sync problem ? Thank you !

I would like to use BibBase to display my bibliography hosted on Zotero (as a public close group). I try to use the newly created route but it didn't work at all. As has already been mentioned the function "generate BibBase page from your Zotero Library" is limited to very few references.
Is there any (new) solution ?
Thank you so much for your help,

Hi Alexandra,
As has already been mentioned the function "generate BibBase page from your Zotero Library" is limited to very few references.
Can you elaborate? I don't think anyone has said anything about the page generated from their library yet. That one should not be limited, and at least for me, I see my entire library. The limitation has always been with collection and in the past also with groups. How many items do you have in your library and how many are displayed? If possible, could you also send me a link to the page/URL where you see things missing?

Hi Christian,
Thank you for your work and for your quick reply. I have 1636 items in my group CIAO (a public close group) : https://www.zotero.org/groups/2349776/ciao_-_ceramica_della_magna_grecia/library
When I generate BibBase page from my Zotero group, only 78 are displayed, but I don't understand why : https://bibbase.org/show?bib=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.zotero.org%2Fgroups%2F2349776%2Fitems%3Fkey%3D3orkNRACP4HBEuZmFHISBDOW%26format%3Dbibtex%26limit%3D100&msg=embed#
Is there something I did wrong ?
Thank you for your help,

You are using the old format, which is the one that had the limitation for groups. As indicated in this comment, you need to use
to get the whole group content.

Hi Christian,
Thank you. I tried with the newly created route you mentioned. But I probably made some mistake because all my tries failed. I haven't received any bibtex files but it only indicates "server error". What did I wrong ?
or "Error retrieving bibtex file" with
I'm pretty sure the API key is ok because I use the link "Generate BibBase page from your Zotero "Library", collections, or groups".
I'm so sorry to insist but it makes me crazy...

Sorry for the lack of detail in the error message, that could definitely be improved. The server log shows "The Zotero user you specified could not be found". It turns out that your Zotero username is "Alexandra ATTIA" (at least in the Zotero API). Using that gets rid of the error you saw and BibBase goes to fetch the data from Zotero, but unfortunately your group collection seems to be too big, because the request times out before BibBase was able to fetch all data from Zotero:
https://bibbase.org/zotero-group/Alexandra%20ATTIA/2349776. Zotero's API does not allow fetching more than 100 items at a time, so this has to be sent in 16 consecutive requests and each one of them can take a couple of seconds. So I'm afraid this may not work with such a large collection.
Would it be an option for you to export the collection from Zotero into a bibtex file manually and then use that to render your page?

Thank you Christian for your explainations that make me feel better even if it's not possible to generate my bibliography by this way. Is is to possible to choose only specific years (for example 2017-2019) using Zotero's API or the newly created route ? Or maybe it will be easier to create a specific collection...
I have a bibtex file but I'm note sure I can use it directly in my blog (https://ciao.hypotheses.org/) Hypothese.org recommand to use BibBase. I saw we could generate also generate a bibliography via Bibtex on BibBase but I don't know how to proceed

Is your bibtex file somewhere on the web? If so, then you can just use https://bibbase.org/show?bib=https://URL-TO-YOUR-BIBTEX-FILE instead of the zotero-group URL above. If you con't yet have a place to host your bibtex file, then I recommend setting up a free page using Github Pages (see our example).
A specific, smaller collection on Zotero would probably work, too, but might be a little slower.

Hi Christian,
Thank you for your help. I created my own Github page to host my bibtex file https://github.com/AlexandraAttia
Github told me that my page https://alexandraattia.github.io/CIAO.github.io/ is published but when I click on the link, I have a message saying Error 404 / File not Found.
The same problem when I try to use the url
Have you an idea of what is going wrong ? Thank you

Github pages require you to call your repository exactly like your username, so in your case it has to be named alexandraattia.github.io (instead of CIAO.github.io).

Hi Christian,
I have the same problem when I try to embed this:
<script src="https://bibbase.org/zotero-group/andrea_bertino/2358901"></script>
What I am doing wrong?
Thank you for you help,

Andrea, your userId seems to be "Andrea Bertino". When you use that, it works: https://bibbase.org/zotero-group/Andrea%20Bertino/2358901. Note that this give you the bibtex file that is exported from the Zotero API. What you want to embed in your page is:
<script src="https://bibbase.org/show?bib=https://bibbase.org/zotero-group/Andrea%20Bertino/2358901&jsonp=1"></script>
Hope this helps.

Sorry, but then I don't understand why this other group doesn't work:
<script src="https://bibbase.org/show?bib=https://bibbase.org/zotero-group/Andrea%20Bertino/2358893&jsonp=1"></script>

It works for me: https://bibbase.org/show?bib=https://bibbase.org/zotero-group/Andrea%20Bertino/2358893, so the embedding should work, too. Does it not? Can you send me the URL of the page where you are working on it?

Hi Christian,
Just found this thread and it was quite helpful, I'm wondering if there is a shortcut like the URL format you posted for generating my own URL of just a collection within my Zotero library.
Background: I'm trying to make a workaround because when I try to log into bib base with my zotero account and click 'Allow Access' nothing happens, but when I go to the URL you provided, I see an up-to-date bibtex file, so I figured if I could just specify in that link that I only want the Bibtex of one collection then that would work just as well.

Hi Christian,
Sorry for repeating the question after it's been discussed for so long, but I'm having the same problem and nothing seems to work... When I'm using the new method to create a link for my group it just says "504 Gateway Time-out." I tried creating a new account and embed it as a personal library but then the same error occurred. Can it be because the library is too large (over a 1000 items)? But then even if I try to embed only one collection from my personal library (around 500 items) I only have a minuscule part of it displayed... Is there some sort of new solution I might have overlooked?
Thanks a lot for your work!

Hi Christian,
I'm afraid I have the same problem, e. g. BibBase pages not displaying all the items included in Zotero public group libraries. Here are 2 examples :
Bibliothèque d'écologie : https://bibbase.org/show?bib=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.zotero.org%2Fgroups%2F4622315%2Fitems%3Fkey%3DYNw5QFgOH2Br3soJeQXowbiG%26format%3Dbibtex%26limit%3D100&msg=embed#
Zotero group : https://www.zotero.org/groups/4622315/bibliothque_dcologie
Zfrancophone : https://bibbase.org/show?bib=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.zotero.org%2Fgroups%2F2233096%2Fitems%3Fkey%3DrCy7E0GkmFhOXB78i3c8F8Sm%26format%3Dbibtex%26limit%3D100&msg=embed#
Zotero group : https://www.zotero.org/groups/2233096/zfrancophone
I have read the full thread but I don't understand how to fix that.
Thank you very much for your help,

Hi Frédérique,
You need to use the
URL. In your case, your zotero id seems to be Sordello, so:

Ok, thank you very much Christian! I'm sorry I didn't get this point from the documentation.

Hello, I have the same problem with the list of my publications:
The problem does not seem to be on the Zotero side: here is the bibliography generated from the same library, which is complete: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o0ol1oqwrhxmgjb/My%20Papers.rtf?dl=0
Thanks in advance for your help!
All the best,

Hi Paolo,
Right now only user libraries ("My Library") and group libraries are fully supported. The issue with the collections is that Zotero will only export 100 items at a time and the required logic to make a sequence of requests of 100 until all publications are received is not yet implemented for collections.
If it's an option for you I recommend downloading the complete bibtex file from Zotero, and uploading it directly into your account on BibBase. From there you'll be able to serve the publications list in full and this is always the best supported option.

Hi Iago,
I forced a refetch from Zotero by adding `nocache=1` to the URL once (link). The C-reactive paper is gone now:
The Zotero API is too slow for us to fetch from it every time the page refreshes, so we need to cache the results. The cache get updated regularly (I think currently once a day or so), so you could probably also have just waited. But if you want to force a refresh, you can always open the above link with nocache once manually.

Hi Christian,
This same issue seems to be happening to me as well. How do I get the group ID? In the examples above it is numeric but the only group identification I see for my group is its name. Thanks!

Look at the group link provided on https://bibbase.org/service/zotero (when you are logged in). The groupId is the first number in that URL, between "users%2F" and "%2Fcollections", e.g., in
the groupid is 10176.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Chris, Everyone:
Thanks for your patience. This issue has now been fixed and the fix has been activated on bibbase.org, e.g.:
This uses the newly created route:
which returns a bibtex file that can be used with BibBase as usual.
The userID is required in order to look up the API credentials to use. I believe that by using that user's API access credentials, the Zotero API will thereby also grant you access to non-public groups. The ID of any user with access to the Zotero group and who has previously given BibBase an API key for their Zotero account, should do -- by using the Generate BibBase page from your Zotero "Library", collections, or groups link, found on our homepage.
Please let me know if this works for you as expected.