Ваші коментарі

Hm, yes, it seems that your site uses some CSS that conflicts with the one used by Bootstrap (which in turn is used by BibBase). The easiest way to avoid this issue would be to add the following to your CSS stylesheet:

#bibbase_header li.dropdown {
  display: none;

This will simply hide the drop-down menus. This would remove the ability to change the grouping, but the alternative would be a lot more difficult, because one would need to figure out which CSS rules conflict, and there is a lot to be checked.

It is on our roadmap to remove the use of Bootstrap on user pages. So this problem will go away in the near future. Perhaps it's best to just hide these menus until then as described?

Could you give me a link to your page? Then I'll go have a look. Thanks.

I took a closer look at this and I'm a little puzzled. The latex escape sequences should have worked fine. For example, you can look at this publications and its corresponding bibtex: https://bibbase.org/network/publication/krstev-stankovi-obradovi-vitas-utvi-automaticconstructionofamorphologicaldictionaryofmultiwordunits-2010. There the escape sequences are translated fine.

BibBase handles a lot of latex but not everything. For instance, in your example of https://bibbase.org/network/publication/peressini-otviobuenoandstevenfrenchiapplyingmathematicsimmersioninferenceinterpretationi-2019, the textit is correctly handled. This morning I debugged the emdash and found a bug regarding it's parsing, which is fixed in development now and will be released soon. As for the single quotes, `...', those are not translated. But from what I recall you don't need to use them in latex anymore either. Modern versions of latex will handle ".." just fine.

For the ORBDE entry: the \url command is not translated by BibBase (at least yet -- seems like a good feature to add). But what you can do for now is to use url fields in your bibtex, e.g.:

  Author = {Peressini, Anthony F. and Guastello, Stephen J.},
  Date-Added = {2017-12-15 14:55:05 +0000},
  Date-Modified = {2019-08-17 17:09:43 -0500},
  url = {Software_(Menu_4,_fourth_item)_=http://www.societyforchaostheory.org/resources/ Software_(alternative)=http://academic.mu.edu/peressini/orbde/orbde.htm},
  Title = {Orbital decomposition: A short user's guide to {ORBDE} v2.4},
  Year = {2014}

All underscores will be replaced by spaces.

No, the bibtex file that your page uses is  http://academic.mu.edu/peressini/MyPubsBibTex.bib and that one doesn't seem to be using Unicode characters, but latex escape sequences:

> curl http://academic.mu.edu/peressini/MyPubsBibTex.bib 2>/dev/null | grep Applying
	Title = {{Ot{\'a}vio Bueno and Steven French. \textit{Applying Mathematics: Immersion, Inference, Interpretation}}},

Can you try Schöller instead of Sch{\"o}ller and Otávio instead of Ot{\'a}vio in you bibtex file? Using Unicode characters directly is usually safest.


Thank you so much for reporting this embarrassing bug! It was indeed introduced just recently. It is fixed now.



Thanks! I took a look and found the issue in the developer console of the browser. There it says the following when clicking the link:

Refused to display 'https://unca-my.sharepoint.com/personal/imuntean_unca_edu/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fimuntean%5Fu....' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'.

This means that sharepoint.com disallows being shown in an iframe (more details on that feature here:


But I liked your suggestion of controlling where links are being opened. That's indeed possible in HTML and easy, too. So I've just implemented a minor patch to BibBase that will always open links in the parent frame. The patch is already rolled out and your page seems to behave as expected now.

Also, if I may use the opportunity to ask you a question: if BibBase were to offer hosted pages much like Wordpress but with additional features that are specific to scientists' needs, could that be of interest to you? The features would, of course, include the publication rendering and also templates that are tailored to scientific web pages. Is that something you could justify spending $5/month on? Or are there any other premium features you would like to see, e.g., merging multiple data sources with duplicate detection (e.g., pulling in your DBLP result https://bibbase.org/show?msg=embed&bib=https://dblp.org/pid/229/8799.bib), or something else that can save you time or improve your web presence?


Hi Ioan,

Could you send me a link to the page? Then I'll take a look.


Hi Till,

We finally got around implementing this. Thanks for doing the leg-work of checking how bibtex and biblatex handle it. We followed your suggest and now support explicit strings as well as the predefined types bathesis and mathesis. Like you suggested we added @thesis as an alias for @mastersthesis. Your page looks good now I think, but please let me know if you find any issues.
