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Hi Madhur,

I've dug a whole bunch deeper using tcpdump. I noticed that unlike wget and curl, bibbase was not sending a User-Agent header. It's a little picky of your server to deny requests without that header, but that's OK. BibBase is now sending this header as well and now your web server seems happy. This now works:

BibBase isn't doing anything special. It just retrieves the file via an HTTP GET request issued from node.js using the regular HTTP module ( The only header that is added is "If-Modified-Since" with the date of the last retrieval. This allows your server to respond with "304 Not Modified", which saves bandwidth and time to render your page as BibBase can then use its cache.
OK. Let me know what you find. I've also just pushed a small update that makes sure you get a proper error message now in the case you are encountering.

When bibbase tries to receive that bib file, it received the following message instead:

<title>419 unused</title>
<p>The server encountered an internal error or
misconfiguration and was unable to complete
your request.</p>
<p>Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred,
and anything you might have done that may have
caused the error.</p>
<p>More information about this error may be available
in the server error log.</p>

I can't quite tell you why at this point. I can manually retrieve your bib file using curl or wget just fine. But it isn't an error that I've ever seen before, so I do suspect that the message is true and that there might be something misconfigured with your web-server. Your admin should check the logs.

Sorry for displaying a more descriptive error message in this case. It just doesn't happen more than once in a blue moon.

-- Christian

Yes, of course :-)
You can do that with CSS. Just put the following into your style definition.

.bibbase_stats_paper { display: none; }

Sorry, there was a technical glitch. It's fixed now.

No, this does not happen frequently and I'm working on reducing outages like this to zero.

OK, done. You can now use the new special field "bibbase_note" for this purpose.
Thanks for reporting. This is fixed now. You may need to update your cache for it to show up (using the &nocache=1 link you got when creating your bibbase page, or by making a small change to your library and then reloading your bibbase page).