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BibBase is able to parse `author = {Gupta, S. and Fritz, C. and Price, R. and Hoover, R. and de Kleer, J. and Witteveen, C.}` just fine, and even `author = {Gupta, S., Fritz, C., Price, R., Hoover, R., de Kleer, J., Witteveen, C.},' should work. I believe the issue regards the missing "." in your bibtex entries. There are actually BibBase users who have a name component that is a single letter (similar to "von", "van", or "de").

I find it surprising that a scientific service would output bibtex entries that omit the dot. But I'll investigate further as to what the right behavior should be. For now, if you add dots, it will most probably work (I don't see why it wouldn't).

It seems that the actual bibtex tool can handle your case correctly though, so I'll try to replicate that behavior in BibBase.

No, unfortunately this is not yet implemented. Sorry.
actually, it might also be a just a conflict of jquery versions. Could you try commenting out your line:
<script src="/public/jquery.min.js?v=c0d6247ce6"></script>
(near the bottom of the page)?

Good luck with mod_proxy!
Thanks! so far I wasn't able to find the issue. I'll need to think about this more. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. BibBase isn't supposed to interfere with any other frameworks and work on any web page.
strange. I looked at your html head and I can't see any conflicting libraries. The page does seem to be using bootstrap somewhere though, so that may be the issue. Normally that is handled fine, but for that bibbase needs to notice that bootstrap is already loaded. Perhaps ghost wraps that library somehow...
Could you create a copy of that page without the script tag for bibbase, so I can compare?

Not sure how I can help with that. I don't get an error or anything in the console when I click the button. I also noticed that you removed the bibbase options and the logo. How did you do that?

Thanks a lot for reporting this problem. It took me some time to investigate what happened and eventually noticed that the Zotero API had silently changed some default. I was able to fix this on bibbase's side. Zotero so far has been very stable with their API and it is strange that they didn't announce the change on the developer list. Maybe it sneaked in by mistake on their part. Hopefully this won't happen again though.

Sorry for the inconvenience and the outage. You should be able to get a new zotero key now and the resulting pages should work. Let me know if they don't.

Again, thanks for reporting.

Sorry, I don't know that I fully understand the question. I thought BibBase was handling conference papers from zotero just fine. Can you point me to your page and tell me what is (or would be) displayed wrongly? Conference papers are usually listed as "In [book title]" and [book title] is usually "Proceedings of [conference name]". Is that the "In" you are referring to? If so, why is that not correct?
This isn't the end all be all solution to this feature request, but it is now possible to list authors before titles using the new "authorFirst" option, like this:

Most of the other style aspects can be accomplished using CSS. We've also added a new predefined style "simple": 


Now that the Google bot interprets script tags, you can actually just use github pages or a public dropbox folder to host an HTML page, with bibbase embedded using the javascript (JSONP) method. This was always an option, but now google will actually find your publications on that page as well -- it didn't until this recent change to their bot.

Using github has the advantage that you can still use your own domain name, it seems. Here is a good comparison of both methods and detailed instructions (for a general html page):

Let me know if you go that route. Then I would like to point to it on the Documentation page, so that others can follow your example. I think it's a great new option!