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Could you point me to the page in question so I can investigate what's happening?

Thanks for pointing this out, Chris. I believe I was able to fix it.

If this is the page in question, then I think it is much faster again: http://www.compbio.dundee.ac.uk/user/ccole/refs.html.

If that's no the one and it is still slow, please point me to your page for testing.


Re. 2.: that is possible but requires a bit more work. You'd need to add a field to your bibtex, say, "pubtype" in which you then specify whether it's a journal or a conference paper. You can then group by that category by adding `&groupby=pubtype` to your bibbase url.

It's not currently possible to change the order of the initial and the last name. But a feature like that, to allow more flexibility in how references (incl. authors) are presented, is highly requested and is on our roadmap. Doing this right is a bigger task though, so we haven't gotten around to it yet.
Thanks again for reporting. This issue is fixed now.

Thanks for reporting this issue. Looking into it.
This is now implemented. If there is a field "doi" in the bibtex, then BibBase will show a link for that.


BibBase is able to parse `author = {Gupta, S. and Fritz, C. and Price, R. and Hoover, R. and de Kleer, J. and Witteveen, C.}` just fine, and even `author = {Gupta, S., Fritz, C., Price, R., Hoover, R., de Kleer, J., Witteveen, C.},' should work. I believe the issue regards the missing "." in your bibtex entries. There are actually BibBase users who have a name component that is a single letter (similar to "von", "van", or "de").

I find it surprising that a scientific service would output bibtex entries that omit the dot. But I'll investigate further as to what the right behavior should be. For now, if you add dots, it will most probably work (I don't see why it wouldn't).

It seems that the actual bibtex tool can handle your case correctly though, so I'll try to replicate that behavior in BibBase.

No, unfortunately this is not yet implemented. Sorry.
actually, it might also be a just a conflict of jquery versions. Could you try commenting out your line:
<script src="/public/jquery.min.js?v=c0d6247ce6"></script>
(near the bottom of the page)?

Good luck with mod_proxy!
Thanks! so far I wasn't able to find the issue. I'll need to think about this more. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. BibBase isn't supposed to interfere with any other frameworks and work on any web page.