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We just added a new feature to make it possible to share and bookmark a pre-selection. Please find the "shareable link" on the left hand side of the page. Here is an example link to see some counties in California. Thanks for the suggestion, Sly and Brian!

There currently is for countries (manually), but not for states and counties. For countries you can just add a url parameter "?countries=LIST_OF_COUNTRIES_SEPERATED_BY_COMMA", and to enable log-scale you can add log=1, for instance, https://bibbase.org/other/covid-19?countries=Germany,US&log=1.

I like your idea though of making it such that the selection can be saved easily. I'll see whether we can add that.

I don't know. This is how the name is written in the JHU data.

We just pushed an update that includes a new button to make the graph a lot bigger. Thanks to everyone who suggested that.

Thanks for the great suggestions! We just pushed an update with the option to make the graph a lot bigger. More to come.


We've just pushed an update that integrates data from an additional source that includes state and county data (https://coronadatascraper.com/#home). So state and county data is back now. Please refresh the page and unselect "Show only countries" to see them again.

Indeed there seems to be some bad interaction between our Javascript code and other code already on your site. We are working on an update that makes our code a little more robust and versatile, but until then I agree it seems best to just hide those buttons, which is easy. Just add the following CSS definitions to your .css file or header:

#bibbase_header {
  display: none;

Please let me know if you have any other issues setting things up.

That's right (see above).
> JHU has temporarily dropped that data (US states and counties). We expect this to come back in the next day or so.

We actually just fixed a bug in the spread rate calculation. It now does what we intended, namely provide the increase-per-day as a percentage of total cases. So for instance 10% spread rate means that tomorrow the total number of cases would be 10% higher than today. To make this rate a little less noisy we show a weighted average over the last four days.

Acceleration rate is simply today's spread rate minus yesterday's spread rate (in absolute percentage point), so a 1% acceleration rate means today's spread rate was 1 higher than yesterday (e.g., 11% vs. 10%).