
Images next to citations

Pe Ter fa 9 anys updated by FlorentF9 fa 4 mesos 6

I appreciate the great flexibility with BibBase. Still I have a question for a more dedicated Bibliography, namely one with small images beside each publication (e.g. similar to here: http://ttic.uchicago.edu/~mmaire/ ). Do you think this is possible (e.g. with manual modification of the style file)? We could easily introduce a new bibtex field "publication_thumbnail" referring to a url of a jpg or png. But how could we display this image in our webpage at the right position with bibbase? Any thoughts?



Glad to see some pull for this feature. This is a feature we have been considering adding to BibBase. I don't think it's possible with the current styling capabilities alone (themes + CSS).


Glad to see some pull for this feature. This is a feature we have been considering adding to BibBase. I don't think it's possible with the current styling capabilities alone (themes + CSS).

Was trying to make a publications page for myself. Absolutely loved what bibbase has to offer. 

But I wanted to check if it is possible to get TOC images/ Thumbnail besides the publications now? 


Hi Anish, It is possible to add images in the bibbase_note field, which allows HTML. However the placement of that image may not be where you like it. You could do something like this:

<img src="....." style="float: right; width: 200px;">

Which will show the image on the right of the publication. But it will not line up nicely with the top of the publication, plus I assume you'd prefer having the image on the left. You might be able to do something more with CSS using 'position: absolute' on the '.bibbase_note' class, and you can also increase the left margin of the publication itself to create space for the image. But I can't think of a way to achieve the top alignment of image and publication title. Let me know if you find a way. Otherwise I'll update this ticket when we get to implementing this feature properly.


I spent quite some time doing this and I'm rather happy about the result: https://florentfo.rest/publications

Only problem is the top alignment that I could not manage. As a result, if the paper has a multi-line title or authors list, the image will be placed a bit too low.

This is my CSS:

.bibbase_note img
  float: right
  position: relative
  top: -50px
  height: auto
  width: 240px
  left: -100%
  margin: auto

  padding-left: 240px;

So, I'm an HTML noob. Is there a way to add this inline along with the bibbase HTML call when loading the publication list to a website? I am a bit restricted when it comes to how I can modify my website due to departmental security restraints. 

If you are able to modify the HTML page, then you can add CSS between <style> ... </style> inside the header block (<head>), in case you can't add or modify an external CSS file.