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Dropdown menus not working
I created a bibliography and used the recommended javascript code to embed it in my site. However, the dropdown menus do not work in Chrome or Firefox. I'm not a programmer, but it seems java is not interacting correctly with sitefarm. Two questions (i) is there an easy fix for this?, and (ii) if there is no fix, how do I disable the group by and sort dropdowns?
Here's my site: https://deloachchair.sf.ucdavis.edu/publications
Customer support service by UserEcho
Indeed there seems to be some bad interaction between our Javascript code and other code already on your site. We are working on an update that makes our code a little more robust and versatile, but until then I agree it seems best to just hide those buttons, which is easy. Just add the following CSS definitions to your .css file or header:
Please let me know if you have any other issues setting things up.
Thanks. That worked..
I'm having the same problem on my Joomla site. When I try to use one of the filters in the drop down, nothing changes and I get this error in the console (using Chrome):
bibbase.min.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'html' of null
at groupby (bibbase.min.js:1)
at HTMLAnchorElement.onclick (VM5287 publications-3:306)
I've tried disabling bootstrap but without any success.
Is there a solution on the horizon?