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BiBbase interfere with ghost blogging platfrom javascript
First thanks for bibbase it is a very useful and very "neat" solution to show a publication list.
I am trying to embed my publication list on my website (still in development) using zotero. The website use the ghost blogging platform https://ghost.org . When i use javascript to embed the list, the menu button does not work anymore, I think the javascript or css from bibbase interfere with the ghost one.
Any workaround?
To see the problem http://coralecophy.agoremix.com:2368/publications-list/, the link may move as I am building the site right now.
I am trying to embed my publication list on my website (still in development) using zotero. The website use the ghost blogging platform https://ghost.org . When i use javascript to embed the list, the menu button does not work anymore, I think the javascript or css from bibbase interfere with the ghost one.
Any workaround?
To see the problem http://coralecophy.agoremix.com:2368/publications-list/, the link may move as I am building the site right now.
Kundesupport af UserEcho
Here you will find a list of the most recent publications.
<script src="http://bibbase.org/show?bib=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.zotero.org%2Fusers%2F982640%2Fcollections%2F29SNXFNV%2Fitems%3Fkey%3DeqktpUW1qrtgE6jzNfwI2iOG%26format%3Dbibtex%26limit%3D100&jsonp=1"></script>
Generated using bibbase.org
Could you create a copy of that page without the script tag for bibbase, so I can compare?
Now I am fighting with mod_proxy in htaccess to hide the port number.... once this is solved I will try to investigate it more.
<script src="/public/jquery.min.js?v=c0d6247ce6"></script>
(near the bottom of the page)?
Good luck with mod_proxy!
I'm seeing a similar issue too on this page - http://library.kumc.edu/zotero-api-demo-page.xml. Selecting a drop-down menu item will cause a redirect to the library home page. If you go to the library homepage and hover over the "Quick Find" item in the upper right corner you'll notice that the link is the same as the one on my demo page however clicking on the Quick Find there will redirect to the home page but on the home page just causes a menu to drop down.
Unfortunately, I am unable to change any of the CSS or JavaScript functionality unless it can be done by overriding them somehow as these pages are hosted in the university run CMS. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!