Your comments

I don't know how to modify only that page. Removing that script would require to hack in ghost source... i can try but it is new for me. Perhaps it will be better to open an issue on ghost github. Anyway I will try to see if I can hack it.
No problem. I just discovered bibbase when setting up this ghost blog for my lab and found the problem. I will keep using it anyway, people will just have to press the back button ;)
Now I am fighting with mod_proxy in htaccess to hide the port number.... once this is solved I will try to investigate it more.
Here is the code (markdown) used, nothing special.
Here you will find a list of the most recent publications.

<script src=""></script>

Generated using
Actually I didn't do anything... Just pasted the javascript code in the markdown page. Because there was no more logo, I added "Generated by bibbase by hand... I think the css or other scripts are conflicting.