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Hi, do you know when you might have updates to share with me regarding this?

Thank you!

I see. Yes, most often the working papers don't have any indicators in their titles so no dice there (Economics has some unique quirks, as I have discovered).

How could the bibtex key be used here? I can add that if it pulls from the .bib rendering the publication list, I'd imagine it would work fine in my case -- my library's bibtex keys are of course unique, which is why I have actually ended up having to use them as the file names in order to simplify things and avoid problems with PDF file names in relation to this same problem. But given that the publication links are not unique to particular .bib files / publication lists as far as I can tell, I don't see how you could use bibtex keys which may be different and/or overlapping in various libraries. But I am open to any solution of course, thank you.

Hi Christian, I used the feature today and had no issues filtering by PDF. The ability to see how many files are in the system by pressing "delete all" and not executing the function is very useful as well.

I tried to filter by ".bib" just to check and that didn't seem to work fully, as it was pulling, in addition to my two .bib files, a few articles that presumably had those letters but not in that order. Encapsulating ".bib" in quotations didn't return any results, so I presume further operators like that aren't implemented.

Thank you for such a quick implementation of this feature, this is very helpful.

Hi Christian,

Thank you so much, I'm still new to regex and didn't realize this was an option. Thank you so much! This works perfectly. I had actually just moved all the relevant references tagged with "Data Sources:" in their keywords to a separate library / BibBase page, should've realized, but using the period in a link for that BibBase page works great. Thank you!

Hi, I uploaded all the files with no issues that I've noticed. Thank you so much!

So sorry to have caused such issues by accident! Thank you for addressing everything. Yes, deleting them was fine, thank you. I will try again come Monday and let you know if I encounter any issues, I'll start slow just in case as mentioned.

Nevermind this, no worries. We've decided to pursue manual uploads with PDFs hosted on BibBase instead for greater control. Thanks for all your help.

Hello, are there any updates you can share with me here? Thank you so much.

Thank you for the clarification and explanation. I have tried using a shared Zotero account as an alternative like you mentioned, but I have been unable to get its PDFs to come through BibBase either -- do you know what could be causing the issue?

I've copied a portion of the shared group library to the personal library, and as far as I can tell I've verified that all the files have synced to Zotero's servers (I have also waited a few hours). I have the PDF files stored locally on my computer, they are duplicated from the group library and do not simply link to the same PDF files in case that could cause any issue. I have also added a totally new attachment (Setha Low's "Spatializing Culture" article) to see if that somehow is different, but this does not link to a PDF nor does it lead (at least yet?) to a proper BibBase publication link, returning a 404. The files should all be synced -- they are accessible on Zotero's web library and I can see that they have counted against my file storage. I'm not sure what could be causing an issue here. Here is the link to the BibBase page for the new personal library:  https://bibbase.org/show?bib=https://bibbase.org/zotero/GCWealthProject#

Thank you.

EDIT: I should also note that I have created this personal library using a secondary profile on the Zotero desktop app in order to retain my personal Zotero account with its data syncing as well as this Zotero account used for work. Prior I never needed to have the account actually synced to any computer as it just hosted the group which I could access from my personal Zotero account. This results in the data directory pointing elsewhere, not to the default path (in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Zotero\Zotero\Profiles\<profilename>\zotero\storage rather than the default C:\Users\<username>\Zotero\storage. I'm not sure if this would impact anything, as like I said it seems like the files are syncing to Zotero just fine, but I figured I might mention it.