Your comments

Hi Christian,

Thank you for your help. I created my own Github page to host my bibtex file

Github told me that my page is published but when I click on the link, I have a message saying Error 404 / File not Found.

The same problem when I try to use the url

Have you an idea of what is going wrong ? Thank you

Thank you Christian for your explainations that make me feel better even if it's not possible to generate my bibliography by this way. Is is to possible to choose only specific years (for example 2017-2019) using Zotero's API or the newly created route ? Or maybe it will be easier to create a specific collection...

I have a bibtex file but I'm note sure I can use it directly in my blog ( recommand to use BibBase. I saw we could generate also generate a bibliography via Bibtex on BibBase but I don't know how to proceed

Hi Christian,

Thank you. I tried with the newly created route you mentioned. But I probably made some mistake because all my tries failed. I haven't received any bibtex files but it only indicates "server error". What did I wrong ?

or "Error retrieving bibtex file" with

I'm pretty sure the API key is ok because I use the link "Generate BibBase page from your Zotero "Library", collections, or groups".

I'm so sorry to insist but it makes me crazy...

Hi Christian,

Thank you for your work and for your quick reply. I have 1636 items in my group CIAO (a public close group) :

When I generate BibBase page from my Zotero group, only 78 are displayed, but I don't understand why :

Is there something I did wrong ?

Thank you for your help,



I would like to use BibBase to display my bibliography hosted on Zotero (as a public close group). I try to use the newly created route but it didn't work at all. As has already been mentioned the function "generate BibBase page from your Zotero Library" is limited to very few references.

Is there any (new) solution ?

Thank you so much for your help,
