Ihre Kommentare

Thanks! I did solve the problem a while ago in the way you suggested or similar, but had to invent a workaround for the fact I didn't have direct control on the HTML head. 
Dear Christian Fritz,

thank you for your very useful answer. Indeed, changing the setting in the browser works, but this seems to be needed in all browser because by default utf-8 is not selected (I had Western ISO-88-59-1). I will try to embed it in my cms then, to avoid this issue.

Maybe, as a feature request, one can have an option that allow to select whether to include or not the html head when generating the bibbase page? (If that makes sense :-) ).

Thanks again!!!

Sorry the link didn't copy correctly


The bib is here: http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~eferrante/publications.bib