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Yes, I'm aware of this issue. I believe it only happens for groups, so if you have a collection containing all the same papers then it should work fine. There are some issues with the Mendeley API that I need to work through to fix this.

This should be fixed now. Please let me know if you notice any more issues with this. The UBC page seems to be doing some server-side caching (probably of the php request), so there it isn't working yet as of right now (7:48pm on pi-day), but should start working soon.

Thanks for pointing this out!

This is a great suggestion! Thanks for the pointer. It is indeed a goal of bibbase to do the SEO (search engine optimization) for its users. So features like this rank highly on my to-do list. I'll look into it.

Update (see comments): this is a non-issue. As for Mendeley papers, we have to respect Mendeley's robots.txt just as much as Google does.

Google respects the robot.txt instructions set forth by web sites. Mendeley seems to disallow bots to retrieve PDFs: http://www.mendeley.com/robots.txt. BibBase won't -- and shouldn't try to -- circumvent this. If you would like your PDFs to be picked up by Google, you can download them from Mendeley and put them on your personal web site.

I just looked at the Google scholar instructions. For those PDFs that appear on a bibbase page and which are hosted on a web site that Google's bot can access, this should already work.

This is a great suggestion! Thanks for the pointer. It is indeed a goal of bibbase to do the SEO (search engine optimization) for its users. So features like this rank highly on my to-do list. I'll look into it.

Can you point me to a bibtex file with which you are having this problem? This should work. What is the error you are getting?


Can you point me to a bibtex file with which you are having this problem? This should work. What is the error you are getting?


Can you point me to your site? Also, which browser are you using? Thanks.


Chris, thanks for your feedback! Please test this and see whether this is now working for you as expected. I've tested with a bibtex entry of Pěchouček and it worked fine, but please let me know if you find issues. I had to switch to a different bibtex parser, but I'm happy about the switch. It's much cleaner, and easier to extend. Special characters are now translated into HTML and should display fine on any browser and locale.