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Please see my last comment.


I think the problem is not https but dropbox. There is a redirect. When I just retrieve the URL you gave me, I get the following response. The right URL is below.

> curl





    <p>The resource was found at <a href=""></a>;

you should be redirected automatically.

<!--  --></p>

    <hr noshade>

    <div align="right">WSGI Server</div>



If I use the URL that dropbox indicates as the redirect it works:

This is a bug. https is supported and used to work. I'll look into this. Could you give me the https url you were testing with so I can test against that one as well?


Hi Amit,

This should still be possible. The dropdown menu doesn't contain this, but on your page you can still use the &groupby=keyword parameter in your bibbase URL. Please also give me your bibbase URL so I can verify that for myself.


Thanks for the link. The separation of multiple keywords was indeed not implemented yet. I just added that, and also added "keyword" to the groupby dropdown. Here is the URL with grouping by keyword set as default:

Please let me know if you notice any issues with this.


Hi Amit,

This should still be possible. The dropdown menu doesn't contain this, but on your page you can still use the &groupby=keyword parameter in your bibbase URL. Please also give me your bibbase URL so I can verify that for myself.


Not really. Do you run bibbase in an iframe?

I can't quite pinpoint it, but if I remove this css file from your page, it works:

Hi Stephane,

Thanks for pointing out the glitch in the new rendering of article entries. This was easy to fix.

The second problem you pointed out, indeed seems to be an issue with the mendeley API. I've put a hack in place that just doesn't show the series entry if it is the same as booktitle. This seems to be a safe assumption and solves the problem for your case.



Hi Pierre,

Yes, I've just released a new version of BibBase on a new server and that file is no obsolete and gone. I've updated the help page now. Please use instead, which is the default css for the new version.

