Your comments

Thanks for reporting this. Yes, the amazon instance seems to be having issues right now. We are working to fix this.

In case anyone else has been seeing this problem: this should be resolved now, i.e., PHP embedding should work again as before.

OK, it seems that PHP by default doesn't allow https requests. A certain extension would need to be loaded and that may be outside of your control.

Would you be OK switching to JSONP for embedding? It is the newer, simpler method and should work out of the box. If so then just replace your php tag with this:

<script src=""></script>

Once again, sorry this is happening. I know this should be necessary. We will work out a solution that won't break existing PHP embeddings, but if you want an immediate solution, the one above is actually a good choice.

Hi Gianluca,

Sorry to hear that. Could you tell me how you are embedding? (php?) The page is completely empty, which tells me that your web server is probably having trouble fetching the bibbase html. I suspect that is due to the release of HTTPs support which will redirect from http to https now.

I'm not sure why your web server is not following the redirect he is receiving on the http:// address, but one way or another you can fix this by changing your bibbase url to the new one, i.e., simply replace http:// with https:// in your embedding code.

Please do let us know though how you are embedding (and ideally also what web server you are running, if you know that), so we can investigate further and save other users from the same troubles.



Thank you for your patience. We are glad to finally be able to announce HTTPS support!

You can start using it immediately by changing your bibbase URLs to https://.

Please use this thread to report any issues you may observe.

Thank you for using BibBase.

I downloaded the bibtex file that Zotero generates for your publications (from the dropdown menu on the bibbase page), but there are no entries with a field called "extra". How/where are you adding these fields? Given the level of customization you are seeking, it might be better for you to generate your bibbase page from a bibtex file rather from Zotero, if that's an option for you.

ok, I've cleared the cache manually. It probably refused to update the cache because the bibtex file hadn't changed (just the parsing of it had). It's working now.

That seems to be a caching issue. works. However it doesn't seem to update the cache, which is strange. I'll investigate further.

Hi Ken,

Thanks for reporting and fixing(!!) this issue. I've merged your pull request for the parser and updated bibbase with the new version. The bibtex URL you provide seems to work now.

The syntax is different (filter=field:value, rather than filter:field=value) and the field "date" does not exist. You probably meant year, right?

Try this: