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I't my interpretation of the above paragraph from their API documentation. I don't think BibBase is a "scientometric researcher".

Can you say more about what kind of integration you were hoping for?

I don't get the sense that BibBase would qualify for getting access to their API:

From https://help.altmetric.com/support/solutions/articles/6000092312-how-can-i-access-the-altmetric-api-documentation-:

The Altmetric Details Page API is available free of charge for scientometric researchers, for more information about access please visit our Researcher Data Access page. For any other uses or projects using the Altmetric Details Page API please contact us.


just renders a page that says "Forbidden". So this is not a BibBase error. I assume the key is just not correct. Was this link provided to you by BibBase after you followed the steps to connect to Zotero? Those steps are still working for me.


If the key is correct then maybe the group you are trying to use is private or similar?

Oh, I see the unintended indentation now. Hm, I assume this is coming from the Bootstrap CSS that is loaded by bibbase.

I found this CSS on that page, and when I remove it, it's fine again:

@media (max-width: 767px) body {
    padding-left: 20px;
    padding-right: 20px;

So if you add:

@media (max-width: 767px) body {
     padding-left: 0px !important;
     padding-right: 0px !important;

The indentation should go away.

    Hm, when I test your pubs1.html page on a small screen, I get a pretty reasonable page layout:

    Is that not what you see?

    Hi Ioan,

    Perhaps I'm still not understanding the question correctly, but if you just want to display links, then yes, that is very easy, at least if you are using a bibtex file as input. As documented in https://bibbase.org/help you can just includes any field with the prefix "url_" and that will show as a link:

       url_Paper =    {mypdfs/gau-hum-1830.pdf},
       url_Link =     {http://timemachine-publishing.com/1830/measurements-of-the-world.html},
       url_Slides =   {talks/gau-hum-1830.ppt}

    Is your question perhaps whether the same is possible with Zotero, i.e., whether there is a field in Zotero you can use to add a link to a publication? If so, then the answer is yes, using the "url" field, as seen in this example (bottom): https://bibbase.org/show?bib=https%3A%2F%2Fbibbase.org%2Fzotero%2Fchristianfritz&msg=embed 

    If your publication on Zotero already has a PDF or similar associated, then of course that will already show up as well.

    Hi Till,

    Glad you are using BibBase.

    Regarding Bachelor's theses, there is no official bibtex type for that. Since we'd like to remain "in spec" with bibtex as much as possible, I'd be hesitant to change the way BibBase interprets bibtex files, e.g., by introducing new entry types.

    Fortunately, I think it won't be necessary in this case. You can easily use the Misc type for what you are trying to accomplish (at least from a display point of view):

      key =       {bs},
      author =    {Mary Student},
      title =     {My Bachelor's thesis},
      howpublished = {Bachelor Thesis},
      month =     11,
      year =      2001,
      note =      {This is my BS thesis},
      annote =    {No BS.}

    will result in:

    My Bachelor's thesis. Student, M. Bachelor Thesis, 11 2001. This is my BS thesis

    Of course, if anyone was to download the bibtex entry/file, the type would then still be Misc, but I consider that a feature, not a bug, since it will not trip up latex or any other tool they may want to use that entry in.

    Does that work?

    Not easily, no. Everything is possible though. You could write some Javascript to find&replace it, or you could reimplement the same menu using your own wording:

    First hide the current one, by adding this CSS:

    li#groupby_dropdown {
        display: none;

    Then reimplement it using your own words:

    <li class="dropdown open" id="groupby_dropdown">
          <a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">
              Group by <b class="caret"></b>
          <ul class="dropdown-menu">
            <li class="groupby year"><a href="#" onclick="groupby('year')">
            <li class="groupby author"><a href="#" onclick="groupby('author_short')">
            <li class="groupby type"><a href="#" onclick="groupby('type')">
            <li class="groupby keyword"><a href="#" onclick="groupby('keyword')">
            <li class="groupby downloads"><a href="#" onclick="groupby('downloads')">

    Alternatively, if you can provide the translation, then we can add it as a language option. We don't yet have the option to change the language but this would be as good a start for it than any.

    Yes, in theory you can have a field bibbase_note that you can use to add arbitrary HTML to your publication. For instance in https://bibbase.org/network/publication/fritz-monitoringthegenerationandexecutionofoptimalplans-2009 I use:

      bibbase_note = {<span style="color: green">Best Thesis Runner-Up Award at ICAPS 2010.</span>},

    However, that is when using a bibtex file as source. With Zotero your hands are tight a bit more. I don't think you can make Zotero add such a field in its exports, but maybe it's worth trying.

    Can you point me to your page, so I can see what fields Zotero is providing? Did you already add the content you want in some field in Zotero?