comments are shown when expanding bibtex code
Hey there!
Not sure whether that's an idea or a bug, I guess it's in the middle of both, maybe an "issue", i.e., something to "optimize"?
Anyway, assume you have a bibtex file that uses "comments" between the bibtex entries, maybe one line before each entry to explain what it is/shows. Note that bibtex doesn't formally have a designated comment symbol; as far as I am aware everything will simply be ignored that's outside of a bibtex entry. But since it looks odd to simply write some text somewhere into the file, I usually place a "%" or ";;" in the beginning of said line. Note that this is only *outside* of bibtex entries.
Now, what happens if one does this with files that are displayed using your (amazing! :)) service?
All the information is displayed correctly, so it does not lead to any errors. *However*, when dispaying the bibtex code on an individual item, it will not just show its bibtex code, but also all comments in the file until the next bibtex entry starts. Here a screenshot to illustrate:
In this example, showing "% submission 1" makes sense because no bibtex follows for it (so that comment should maybe not even have been included as the respective paper entry doesn't exist. The next comment, "% submission 2" is the "headline" above the respective next bibtex entry that's (correctly) not shown.
Instead, simply no "comments" should be shown at all, or in other words: the rule what to show should be changed to stop after the current entry has been displayed.
For reference, the following might be useful for debugging:
- File this is taken from:
- Webpage where it is displayed: (note that multiple bibtex files are shown on that page, but that should not influence this behavior)
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