Zotero groups
Dear Christian,
Would it be an idea to creat a way to display zotero groups using bibbase just like it is possible now to do with Mendeley groups? Seems relevant given the fact that some are now leaving Mendeley for Zotero since the first is bought by Elsevier. In any case, I prefer Zotero :)

Good idea! I've had a very brief look at their API this morning and it may actually be almost trivial. I'll keep you posted.
Yeah, I was wondering how that would affect the use of Mendeley. Frankly, Mendeley's API was never really great, so if people were to abandon it, it would make things easier for me.

If you can find your groupid (different from the name, e.g., 168779), then you should be able to just use the following URL for bibbase: (with the groupid replaced)
You can find the groupid by opening the group settings, and then looking at the URL.
This just for now. And please let me know if this works and if you have a specific group with some useful content to try this on. I'm still planning to write a proper extension for bibbase to talk to the Zotero API, so people can also show their Zotero collections using bibbase.
UPDATE: sorry, no, actually this won't work yet. I haven't yet implemented support for https and that's what Zotero is using for their API.

Dear Christian,
Thanks for the update! It seems that the url only works if you delete the last part ('tex&limit=99'), otherwise it starts downloading something (at least in chrome). But with this smaller url it works perfect!
The nice thing, however, with the Mendeley-BibBase combination was that you could add some code to the URL in order to change font and everything and that you could also use BibBase to change the order of representation (e.g. 'year of publication' instead of 'author'). So, please let me know if https is supported, this would make zotero a lot nicer. :)

The download is the bibtex file. This is the intended behavior.
Https is now working. You need to provide the additional parameter "protocol=https". With this it is now possible to use Zotero groups, as long as you know the group id. For instance, for the group with id 168779, here is the bibbase page:
You can still use all other bibbase parameters, incl. group0=year, etc.
-- Christian

I've now implemented full support for Zotero. You can now use your Zotero library, collection, or group with BibBase with just a few clicks.

Dear Christian,
Sorry I didn't reply earlier. But a very big thank you! This is awesome!
Customer support service by UserEcho
I've now implemented full support for Zotero. You can now use your Zotero library, collection, or group with BibBase with just a few clicks.