
Feature Request (Idea): simplified format for single bibtex entry

Prof Chaos 3 ár síðan Uppfært 3 ár síðan 2

You already feature the option "hidemenu", which removes the "left part" of the following illustration, where the grouping can be selected:

Image 130

Would it be much effort to add/implement a second option called "hideyears", which implies hidemenu but on top of that also eliminates all the years? That would be *really* great. :)

The use case is using your service for in-text citations -- rather than using it to show lists of reasonable lengths. I already have many use cases, all of which are primarily motivated by webdesign in a scientific context (rather than the standard use-case of showing lists of publications from an author, institution or event like a conference. I sometimes do want to cite a *single* paper in-text just as a "reference". Having the year-navigation on top (which even is clickable to fold everything in!) is just very odd, it doesn't look good. For this use-case it's just not reasonable.

I hope it will be implemented! :) Maybe that way the tool would be used even more -- in exactly such contexts. :) To give one example, workshops webpages might want to mention a single paper sometimes, or any scientific "report" could use citations in-text where the paper is mentioned. (That's of course already possible, it just looks a bit weird with that navigation if there's just one paper or maybe two.)



This is already supported when just leaving groupby blank:


It's recommended to use that with the sort option. See "Customization options" in the documentation for more details.


This is already supported when just leaving groupby blank:


It's recommended to use that with the sort option. See "Customization options" in the documentation for more details.


O wow, you are right! Thank you, I didn't expect that... You could consider (I would definitely do that) adding this also to the description of hidemenu.(As those users like me who'd like to find/suggest that option would have to realize that this is related to grouping. Of course it *is*, but those concerned with citing just a single paper (like me) might not "think in groups" in that context. :)

Anyway, thank you again!