
Better Support for Special Characters

Chris Cannon fa 12 anys updated by Christian Fritz fa 12 anys 1

This is a small feature request, but I'd like better support for special LaTeX characters. For example, if I have an author with the last name Pěchouček, I would enter this in the BibTeX file as P\v{e}chou\v{c}ek, which BibBase displays as Pvechouvcek. Ideally it would show as Pěchouček in the main list of publications, but then when I clicked on the BibTex file it would keep it as P\v{e}chou\v{c}ek so that users could properly copy and paste it into there BibTeX file.




Chris, thanks for your feedback! Please test this and see whether this is now working for you as expected. I've tested with a bibtex entry of Pěchouček and it worked fine, but please let me know if you find issues. I had to switch to a different bibtex parser, but I'm happy about the switch. It's much cleaner, and easier to extend. Special characters are now translated into HTML and should display fine on any browser and locale.



Chris, thanks for your feedback! Please test this and see whether this is now working for you as expected. I've tested with a bibtex entry of Pěchouček and it worked fine, but please let me know if you find issues. I had to switch to a different bibtex parser, but I'm happy about the switch. It's much cleaner, and easier to extend. Special characters are now translated into HTML and should display fine on any browser and locale.


Thank you for adding this feature, it's perfect! If you'd like to see how I'm using it, take a look at my personal web page here: http://chrisc.cc/pages/research.html

I've got another feature request, but I'll make a separate thread for it.

