Under review
Mendeley public group support ending??
Just saw here : https://service.elsevier.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/31598/supporthub/mendeley/p/16075/
that the mendeley public group feature is ending?
I'm wondering if my bibbase integration will cease to work in that case?
Any advice appreciated.
Customer support service by UserEcho
It's not yet clear what the path forward looks like with Mendeley. Since private groups seem to continue on, it might be possible to convert your public groups to private groups and still use them as data-source for BibBase. You should also be able to continue to use your library (My Publications) as data source. Details about changes to the API we are using to fetch that data from Mendeley are not yet announced:
I use Mendeley Developer APIs, what do I need to know?
In worst case you can always export your data from Mendeley (or even just download the full bibtex file provided by BibBase from your library/group). Once you have that you could import it into Zotero or use the bibtex file directly as data source for BibBase. The latter always gives you the most flexibility and control.
We'll update this thread when we hear more.