
No Data and Python Error

Paul Danis 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 2
Great tool, but spontaneously produced 'no data' message on website after months of no problems.  I generated new zotero key then got the python error (below). No idea how to resolve so any suggestions are appreciated.  thanks.



Choose the page you would like to use, copy the URL, and then follow the instructions on the Help page to set it up on your personal page.
BibBase page of entire library (which is using this bibtex file)

--> -->

<type 'exceptions.KeyError'> Python 2.7.5+: /usr/bin/python2.7
Mon Mar 30 14:38:29 2015

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

/home/ubuntu/bibbase/cgi-bin/zotero/get.py in ()
153 pickle.dump(data, open(DIR+'keys/'+username, 'w'))
=> 155 respond(apiKey, userID, username)
157 elif fields.has_key("username"):
respond = <function respond>, apiKey = u'G9gCuD5oY0brNg0RH456LRwM', userID = u'1975743', username = u'IonSense'

/home/ubuntu/bibbase/cgi-bin/zotero/get.py in respond(apiKey=u'G9gCuD5oY0brNg0RH456LRwM', userID=u'1975743', username=u'IonSense')
91 for col in cols:
92 # print col.name, col.collectionKey
=> 93 baseurl = "https://api.zotero.org/users/"+userID+"/collections/"+col['collectionKey']+"/items?key="+apiKey+"&format=bibtex&limit=100"
94 baseurl = urllib.quote_plus(baseurl);
95 print "
  • BibBase">http://bibbase.org/show?bib="+baseurl+"&msg=embed\">BibBase page: ", col['name'].encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace'), "
  • "
    baseurl = u'http://bibbase.org/zotero/IonSense', userID = u'1975743', col = {u'group_id': u'1975743', u'key': u'DP88T8GJ', u'name': u'DART MS', u'parentCollection': False, u'relations': {}, u'updated': 'Thu, 26 Feb 2015 14:49:31 UTC', u'version': 125}, apiKey = u'G9gCuD5oY0brNg0RH456LRwM'

    <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>: 'collectionKey'
    args = ('collectionKey',)
    message = 'collectionKey'



    Thanks a lot for reporting this problem. It took me some time to investigate what happened and eventually noticed that the Zotero API had silently changed some default. I was able to fix this on bibbase's side. Zotero so far has been very stable with their API and it is strange that they didn't announce the change on the developer list. Maybe it sneaked in by mistake on their part. Hopefully this won't happen again though.

    Sorry for the inconvenience and the outage. You should be able to get a new zotero key now and the resulting pages should work. Let me know if they don't.

    Again, thanks for reporting.


    Thanks a lot for reporting this problem. It took me some time to investigate what happened and eventually noticed that the Zotero API had silently changed some default. I was able to fix this on bibbase's side. Zotero so far has been very stable with their API and it is strange that they didn't announce the change on the developer list. Maybe it sneaked in by mistake on their part. Hopefully this won't happen again though.

    Sorry for the inconvenience and the outage. You should be able to get a new zotero key now and the resulting pages should work. Let me know if they don't.

    Again, thanks for reporting.

    Hi Christian,

    Thank you very much for your quick attention to this. Really appreciate the support!
