I very much appreciate all the work you have put into the site. It has been incredibly useful throughout the pandemia.
Two suggestions, though, that could make it even more useful:
1) Enable selection of deaths ONLY for better visualisation. 1.2) Perhaps make deaths curves more easily distinguishable - they are a tad too dark. On non-super bright devices/monitors all of them often appear almost black. Perhaps dotted color lines instead?
2) Option for viewing data 'per mille' ('per capita).
I very much appreciate all the work you have put into the site. It has been incredibly useful throughout the pandemia.
Two suggestions, though, that could make it even more useful:
Enable selection of deaths ONLY for better visualisation.
Perhaps make deaths curves more easily distinguishable - they are a tad too dark. On non-super bright devices/monitors all of them often appear almost black. Perhaps dotted color lines instead?
Option for viewing data 'per mille' ('per capita).